Monday, October 26, 2020

Monday Again

 Hello, Hello,

Well, another weekend in the books.  They seem to come and then go awfully quickly these days.  Our weather has been grey and very damp now for a week or more.  Last week was mild, but Saturday the temps began to fall and Sunday was downright raw and cold.  Fletch and I noticed that our Crepe Myrtle is gorgeous this year.  Brilliant red leaves which we don't ever remember seeing in prior years.  Likewise, our Red Bud tree is a gorgeous yellow and green.

We don't remember it being this brilliant in prior years.  (One of our Burning Bushes is next to it.)  The picture doesn't really show how bright it is - another grey day and difficult to capture colors.  Now that it is the end of October (wait...what???) our Morning Glory is beginning to flower as well.  There is no explaining it, but we are enjoying having some color on these dreary days.

So, what did we do?  Saturday I did 3 loads of laundry.  We drove to the municiple building in Skippack to drop off our Election Ballots, but we got there at 10:30 and they did not open till 11.  We left and went grocery shopping.  We just needed a few things, but $150 later we walked out of the store.  Geeze!  I also scrubbed two bathrooms that day.  Sunday we did manage to get to the municiple building when they were open and both of our ballots have been cast.  I never did get to my kitchen floor...maybe today...maybe not.  Currently it is raining outside (Tyg came in soaking wet this a.m.) and it is difficult to feel inspired to do anything!

I did manage to cast on for a new pair of socks though!

Pretty fallish colors.  The yarn is a 75/25 blend and is "Less Traveled Yarn" in their Creosote Collection.  The colorway is Aspen.  This is the first time I've used this brand of yarn and it is very nice.  The pattern I am knitting is Brandi Socks by Debbie Bliss.  A pretty lace work sock.

In other news, the kids (Colin & Mailing) did make it home safely on Friday.  Col texted late afternoon that they were home.  We have not heard from them all weekend and we did not bother them.  We figured they had a lot to do (laundry, mail to go through, groceries, etc.) over the weekend and probably just needed to chill a bit.  They are both back to work today.  I'm hoping we can see them next weekend, but I'm also conscious of giving them space.

Tomorrow I will probably be heading to the office.  Bill wants to do my annual review/appraisal.  I've already seen it (very nice) and I know what my increase is, but he likes to do these things in person, and that's fine.  I have a few documents I need/want to print in color and I should really catch up with Bruce at some point (if he is not traveling again).

My brother in Boulder said they are expecting 8" or so of snow in town and a foot or more in the mountains!  Hopefully that will help the awful fires out there.  They need some relief.

Here's to another week - hope it's a great one for everyone.


  1. Sounds like a busy and productive weekend for you, Vera! I've noticed some of the leaves on trees around here are also behaving . . . different from the usual! Our neighbors, for example, have a big maple -- and the leaves usually turn this brilliant pink-to-red. This year? They started out yellow and are turning an orange color. Very weird. They're also changing slower - and hanging on for longer. I'm sure there's an explanation. . .

  2. I've heard of other late Morning Glory flowers as well. And we've got late Dandelions, too! It's all very odd.

    Congrats on your good review and raise. It's well-deserved.

  3. so glad they are back home safely. I'm glad your boss thinks highly of you! You do work so very hard.

  4. Hello,
    The weather has been the same here, rainy and cold. We dropped our ballots off at one of the drop boxes and later I rec'd an email saying that they had them. Our Redbud is a pretty yellow too, We do not have many red colors around. Take care, enjoy your week!

  5. The weekend still has its own workload but at least you get to do it with your husband for company! Glad son is home safely!

  6. It was 1°F when I got up this morning. It snowed all day yesterday - about 5” total but difficult to tell because the wind blew so much. Love the Aspen color yarn!

  7. It's so cold here! A lot of the leaves came down with the heavy, wet snow that we got on Friday. About 7 inches of the white stuff. The kids here in the park have snowmen all over and it was such fun to see them playing on Friday. I have missed having children around and I'm really enjoying seeing them play here.
    That yarn is PERFECT for fall knitting.
    I'm glad to read that Colin and Mailing are safely home. Traveling just doesn't sound appealing to me right now.
    Take care my dear friend and congratulations on the review. I know you deserve every good word.

  8. I agree with you that the weekends seem to be going by faster, though I'm not sure why. Maybe because there is less daylight? We had two pretty cool, gloomy days, but I didn't mind so much after we'd just had a taste of summer at the end of last week. It was perfect weather for staying inside and crafting!

  9. That's a busy weekend! Love the new sock yarn

  10. I have roses that are suddenly blooming like mad... they must not think its fall! lol

    I am glad that Colin and Mailing are home! I hope they had a fabulous time! :0

  11. My Crepe Myrtle is yellow, not red. What a nice surprise! I like that sock yarn. You're right- it's perfect for fall.

  12. You had a busy weekend! The weather has been rather fugly but I'll take it over the heat we've been having. The sock is very pretty-very fallish. I am hoping we get to enjoy some fall instead of going straight to winter.

  13. Whew! You had a busy weekend followed by a hectic schedule on Monday. The fall colors have been great here too. I wish they lasted a little longer. We had snow on Sunday so today was cold but tis the season. That fall yarn looks very seasonal.

  14. all that snow in colorado . such a blessing HOORAY!!!!!! It seems to behave in pockets, those wildfires. They are so powerful and make folks feel very powerless.....Here's to mother nature helping put that fire out.

  15. I'm glad to hear the kids got home safely. The new socks are going to be gorgeous, who's the lucky recipient? We're in week two in our trailer on the Oregon coast. It's been wonderful. 4 more days! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

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