Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Tiny Needle Tuesday 10/06/20

 Hello and Good Morning!

Thanks so much for all your kind words and best wishes for Colin & Mailing.  My heart is full.

Work continues it's frantic October pace.  So Much Going On!!  Truly it is like this EVERY year, but I tend to forget how crazy it is.  Then add in the wedding things and trying to take a few days off and it gets even nuttier.  Yesterday was no exception, but I did manage to get a little bit of archery in during the late afternoon.  Then in the middle of dinner (thankfully NOT while I was cooking), our power went out and stayed out for about an hour.  Not sure what the issue was, but at least it eventually came back on.  I actually used a battery operated Ott lite to read our book after dinner!  

Fletcher has been busy with gardening stuff.  He planted a bunch of greens - several different varieties of lettuce, Swiss chard, baby bok choy, etc. - in a raised bed box and now is re-purposing old windows to make a cold frame.  

Late yesterday he went out and picked a bunch of the greens for a salad to go with dinner (which was pasta with red sauce).  Yum!  And, we are still harvesting cherry tomatoes😋 - the larger tomatoes are all pretty much still green.  Guess I will be cooking up another batch of fried green tomatoes.

Now it is Tiny Needle Tuesday and I have started another sampler.  As I mentioned last week, it is a Quaker style sampler called Autumn Forest.  I figured that was appropriate given the time of year.  Here is a link so you can see what it will (eventually) look like.  I do love all the different animals in it and I've always liked Quaker style samplers.  It is a big one...323 by 253 stitches.  I'm using 36 count fabric and stitching over two threads, so the finished size of mine will be roughly 18 by 14.  I'm not there yet though!

That's my start.  Just two motifs finished, but I'm enjoying it a lot.

Now it's time to get back to work.  Emails have been flying this morning and I have several spreadsheets I need to update and work on.  Hope you all have a wonderful day!


  1. Hello,

    I can imagine you are very busy with the upcoming wedding and work. We are still finding some grape tomatoes. Pasta and red sauce, is my favorite. I like the name Autumn Forest for your sampler, I am sure it will be beautiful too. Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. I have never seen a sampler like the one you're working on, so it will be a lot of fun to see it grow!

    I hope you're able to get through the crazy next week without too much craziness!

  3. Every year about this time I wish I had a cold frame. Someday! It would be wonderful to have fresh greens, straight from the garden, right now. I love the sampler, Vera. It's just charming. Here's to a productive and focused week for you -- so you can get on to the weekend's Main Event. XO

  4. How lovely to still have cherry tomatoes. I love a burst cherry tomato pasta with good olive oil.

    Lots of cold frames popping up around here, too. Fall was sudden.

    I hope this week doesn't frazzle you too terribly. (But you have such a sweet event to look forward to!)

  5. I've seen that sampler on Floss Tube and have always loved it. I've been looking for a Quaker myself but want one in only one color. The ones I've seen and liked were so pricey though they scared me away.

  6. That's going to be a pretty sampler.
    I envy your fresh greens every day!

  7. Those greens look great! Our garden is pretty well done except for plenty of green tomatoes, too. John keeps picking them and I keep looking for more places to put them to ripen. That sampler is really beautiful. I love all the animals and look forward to seeing you stitch them!

  8. Reading by lantern light - a wonderful mental image. The new sampler is a style I’ve never seen, but I like it.

  9. Wish I had some fresh picked greens! All I have are grocery store ones that are wilted. What intricate needle work! Very nice!

  10. A full heart is a happy one. Mine is sad that Al is in OKC. We drove all the way there and back for the weekend. We hadnt seen them in 8 months. It was so hard to leaeve again. I love my own home. I wish they'd move closer.
    Knitting helped, thru my tears

  11. I'm so late in commenting today. It's been a REALLY hectic day. More on that later.
    I hope you can slow down a bit to enjoy the wedding prep. That's half the fun!
    That new stitchery looks as if it is going to be very nice.

  12. Those greens look delicious! (and I love love love your stitching, but wow... my eyes just cannot anymore :( )

  13. What a wonderful sampler, I will enjoy seeing it grow as you work on it. Take a deep breath and savor the run up and the day of the wedding. Such a momentous occasion! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  14. Congratulations on the wedding! What a beautiful couple. She really is stunning, and he is quite handsome! And they already have built a good life together.

    Your sampler is pretty. I can't get the hang of cross stitching on linen. I am sticking to Aida cloth. It's not as elegant, but at least I can do it!

  15. I bet you are super excited these coming days!! love the delicate stitching.

  16. A garden of greens--lovely!!!! The new sampler is off to a beautiful start!

  17. That will be a beautiful sampler. Enjoy this week. Weddings of our children so special. I admire the gardener for starting a fall garden of greens. I think about a fall garden but then by the time August rolls around I look forward to wrapping up the garden season. I have a few big green tomatoes but the cherries just keep on coming and we keep on eating them.
