Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Election Day!

I did...did you???

It is another grey and wet day, but the lines were out the door when I voted just after 7 this morning.  Same thing for my boss and also Mailing.  That's a good sign!  Let's hope for a positive change.

Get out and vote if you have not already!


  1. Same thing here, and positive change is exactly what I'm hoping for!

  2. We voted over 2 weeks ago as all ballots here are by mail in. I must say I do like that because it gives you time to research your vote on the issues you may not be as familiar with.

  3. Yes, I voted! The polling place had lines for some initials, especially A-D, but thankfully O-Z had no line. I walked up, got a ballot, and voted. I'm hoping for change, too, but in this Red state, I doubt it will happen.

  4. No lines and lots of rain. Daughter was in and out too up in Montgomery County. I am worried.

  5. Sunshine, 50s, and high winds here, but Ohio has early voting, which has seen big numbers. Our family is Voted Up and hoping this state corrects its mistakes.

  6. I did but they did not give me a sticker :(

  7. You bet We did!!!! Zach wins the prize. He voted early on SUnday and waited 2.5 hours for his turn. People were ordering pizzas in Chicago and having them delivered to the line!

  8. I hope things turn around for the U.S. But even if they don't you know you did your bit!

  9. I voted! I'm glad the Dems got the House so that there will be more balance in our government. Sad Beto lost, though. But we got our choice for Governor for Oregon! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  10. Long lines here too in spite of three weeks of early voting. Sadly, looks like mixed results here, but I'm glad to see a much more diverse House (including the Representative from my district!)

  11. Sunny and warm here and the turn-out was great, calm and no craziness.
