Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Tiny Needle Tuesday 11/22/22

Good Morning!

Yesterday I did manage to get to Trader Joe's.  I went into the store with four things on my list.  $58 later I walked out!  Isn't it always that way?  But, I got good stuff.

The day was gorgeous.  Very, very sunny and bright.  Still chilly, but not quite as windy as Sunday had been.  I decided that I needed to get out and walk after lunch, so I headed to one of my favorite trails - the canal trail.  Our nights have been cold enough that the canal was starting to freeze over.  but look at the color of the water and the blue, blue sky.  Magnificent!

 You can see there was no one in front of me.  I passed a couple of dog walkers and a few folks on bikes rode past me.  I saw one couple running and that was it.  Oh, and a guy sitting on a bench with a huge camera.  Otherwise I had the place to myself.  This time I managed to walk the entire trail from where I park to Main Street in Phoenixville - a total (round trip) of 3 miles.  The furthest I've walked since my back episode in the Spring.  It felt wonderful to be out in the fresh air, but I will admit that my back was tired by the time I got back to my car.

About halfway along the trail is Fitzwater Station - a fun pub with good food and drinks.  A nice place to stop after a walk (which Dee and I have done!!).  They also rent canoes and kayaks.  Anyway, yesterday on my way back to the car I noticed they have a giant turkey on one of their decks.  LOL

And that brings me to this morning and Tiny Needle Tuesday.  That crazy long-legged bird that everyone seems to like now has a few letters added nearby.

Obviously a few more to be stitched.  And I will add the year (but not yet...in case it is not finished in 2022).

The Praise Loudly Blame Softly sampler saw no action this week, but Ellen Harrison had some more stitching added.  I'm anxious to finish these two rows of words because then the motifs will start below.

I will say that young Ellen was not great at spacing words apart - LOL.  But that just adds to the charm of the piece in my opinion.

Colin stopped by last night!  He and Mailing had gone over to Mailing's parents to have dinner with Zhongren (Bonnie is still in China until 12/6 or so).  Mailing picked up Bonnie's car to use while up here so that Colin will have his car.  And, last night, Mailing had to run to Target to pick up stuff (litter boxes, etc.), so Colin stopped by to load up his car with wood and say hello.  It was wonderful to see him.

We all plan to gather late afternoon on Thursday and, hopefully, get a walk in before we eat.  Today I need to do some cooking and also (more) grocery shopping.

Hope your week is going well!


  1. Your samplers look terrific as always. The long-legged bird is patiently waiting as things fill in around him, and Ellen still did pretty well for 12 years old. I do love your view on your walk, and may try to get out for one myself later today when it warms up. Good luck grocery shopping; I had to go to three stores yesterday to find eggs!

  2. I too made a stop at TJ's this week. They are ever so good at "end-cap-marketing" always a few things tumble into my cart! Ha!

    Your stitching is coming along! I think that long legged bird is just awesome!

  3. What a beautiful place to walk, Vera! And look at you -- walking farther distances again. Bravo. (I hope your back is feeling okay today. . . ) So glad you are able to spend some time with Colin and Mailing. What a treat to have them nearby for a little while. XO

  4. I just stopped at Trader Joe's after dropping my daughter off at school -- I was hoping that if I got there right when they opened, I'd miss the crazy crowds. It worked, but there were people lined up outside waiting for them to open the doors! I managed to pick up only two things that weren't on my list (some seasonal hand soap for the kitchen and a set of lip balms that will be a little gift for my daughter), so I'm patting myself on the back. I'm so glad to hear you were able to take a good walk, and you certainly had a beautiful view for it!

  5. It's very easy to drop $$ at the store these days! The stitching is pretty and the walk view is inviting!

  6. My Trader Joe’s receipt was much smaller because the store was jammed with shoppers so I didn’t take time to browse

  7. I feel like every time I go to the grocery store, I spend double what I expect to. I REALLY can't take Dave in with me or it's triple!

    Love that turkey!

    And your stitches are looking great!

  8. I love the samplers! Great work! I have to say that doesn't sound like a whole lot for TJs (at least for me)--pistachio toffee would take up about half of that!

  9. Your walk looks wonderful. We have very similar weather as yours. Yesterday and today are gorgeous and we even have our balcony doors open a crack for some fresh air.
    I went to Aldi's to get eggs this morning. I came out $35 later. I never can go in that store and just get one thing either. I picked up some snack things to take and leave at Mandy & Brad's for the kids to snack on. Since we'll be spending most of the next week there with Alex and his family, I don't want them to have to provide the food for everything.
    Isn't it fun preparing for your kids and their families? I'm so excited to have two of our kids and their spouses and kids with us this week. We'll miss Jamie and his family but two out of three is better than none, and we've spent lots of holidays alone.
    Love the happy little bird and your progress. It makes me smile whenever I see it.
    Wishing you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving Vera.
    Love and Blessings,

  10. That giant turkey cracks me up! Your stitching looks great. I haven't touched mine this week. Maybe tonight.

  11. What a beautiful scene, great place to walk. I often wonder if there was a safe place here with a trail, would I indulge? How would I know where to stop in order to have enough energy to make it back to the car! Glad your back wasn't an issue on those three miles. Enjoy the family and Thanksgiving.

  12. The sampler I'm working on now has some odd spacing too, but those little girls were amazing, weren't they??! I think that's what makes sampler stitching so cool!

  13. May you have a blessed Thanksgiving! Any grocery store adds extra money :) Lovely stitching!

  14. Yes, those grocery bills are something. I often go shopping thinking, I don't need much and then have quite the tab at the register. I do still love that long-legged bird. I'm glad you will be seeing your kids. Happy Thanksgiving.
