Monday, October 24, 2022


 Good Morning!

It's still dark outside, so I have no idea what the day will be like.  At the bottom of my monitor I see that it is 53 degrees and partly cloudy...we'll see if that's accurate in a bit.

My weekend, thankfully, was so much nicer than last weekend!  I was not slammed with work (though I did do a little bit).  After the last two weeks (including last weekend), I needed a break!

Saturday morning I met up with Dee for our usual session of knitting, chatting, sipping and just catching up.  Since we had missed a week, it felt like forever and was so nice to get together again.  We shared cookbooks and magazines and chatted away the morning.  A little knitting was accomplished.

The day was really lovely.  After running an errand, I came home and then got some stuff ready for dinner.  I made a roast, mashed potatoes and gravy and fresh beets.  YUM!  And the house smelled so good having a beef roast in the oven.  It was such a beautiful evening that we decided to have a fire.

The wok is working out very well as a fire bowl!

Sunday dawned overcast and damp.  I made some pecan waffles for breakfast (along with both sausage and bacon) and confess that I never got dressed ALL DAY LONG!  I stayed in PJ pants and a sweatshirt and it was simply delightful.  The day was relaxed and I found time to stitch, knit and read.  Perfect!

How was your weekend?


  1. I think after the busy weekends you've had lately, you earned a Sunday in your PJs! Pecan waffles sound amazing -- what time should I show up for breakfast next week?

  2. I'm so glad you had a relaxing, fun weekend, Vera! It sounds perfect all the way around. :-)

  3. What a wonderful weekend and you certainly deserved it! The roast dinner sounds delicious and so does spending Sunday in your pajamas. I may be coming with Sarah for some of those pecan waffles!

  4. I'm glad you got to enjoy a completely down day in your Pj's--just what you needed!

  5. PJ days are the best! I’m glad you had some time to relax. Chilly weather has settled in 29° this morning, and today’s predicted high is 38°. Brrr! I finally caved and turned the heat on in my apartment.

  6. We had 91F yesterday at it's supposed to be in the 20's tonight. Crazy fall. We spent the weeknd moving the big furniture with a UHaul. Still lots to unpack here and put things in storage at the house. Hopefully it will close by the end of the week so we can let life settle down a bit;.

  7. I am so happy that your weekend was much better than last weekend! Hopefully you get snippets of time this week to recharge :)

  8. You definitely deserved a relaxing weekend and Sunday Pajamas Days are simply the best!

  9. Those waffles sound great! And I think you totally earned a day in your pjs!

    The weekened here was gorgeous. I spent all of Saturday in the garden, Sunday morning running around with Dave, and the Sunday afternoon sewing

  10. I wish I lived close to you so I could bring you all the beets in my fridge.

  11. I was tempted to make a fire this weekend too but was too lazy. I stay in my PJs everyday. I just pull my baggy plaid flannels over them when I go out. I'm too old to worry about looking good. I just want to be comfortable.

  12. What a delightful weekend. I need to try out the not getting dressed all day some time. The weather here was very warm so we did some outdoor chores on Saturday. Sunday was hot and windy so I walked early and then made a pasta bake for dinner.

  13. A comfortable weekend! I've had really tough roasts at times. My dad always stuck a bad one into a pressure cooker to tenderize. Have no idea why it worked, I tried, did not work.

  14. "Pajama Day" is one of my favorites!!
