Thursday, July 23, 2020

Baking and Stitching


We just finished another brief thunderstorm here and it feels so much better outside this morning than it did yesterday.  We also had some nice storms last night around dinner time that quickly dropped the temps from 92 down to 74!  Some strong winds and we were able to open doors and turn off the AC.  I even slept with windows open last night and the AC off.  It was wonderful!

So, yesterday was HOT.  Work was busier in the morning than I expected or wanted (LOL).  I did run out for two errands - had to pick up a prescription at CVS and then stopped by the library for a curbside pick up.  After lunch I got busy making the peach pie - because why not have the oven on at 400 degrees when it is 92 outside?  I used Ina Garten's recipe for a "perfect peach pie"  This Recipe which inlcuded a recipe for a pastry that was a little different than what I usually make.  The pastry was a little difficult to work with, but I think that was a case of our weather rather than the recipe.  It is difficult to work a pastry in hot/humid weather.  It turned out anyway (with a patch or two):

Ina's recipe calls for the addition of fresh orange juice and orange zest.  It added a nice "tang" to the sweetness of the peaches and the pie was very good.  I didn't do a lattice top because someone had gifted me a decorative rolling pin that I wanted to use for the top crust.  Unfortunately the design didn't really show up and actually faded some with baking.  I will try again with a different recipe.  I also completely forgot to do the egg wash and sprinkle the top with sugar (but it tasted fine and was sweet enough).

I did manage to finish the heel flap on the second Tomfoolery sock, but I really felt like stitching.  So, this is essentially another TNT post - this one being Tiny Needle Thursday.  The acorns are finished and the squirrels have appeared!!

I just love those squirrels.  That are two more trees in this section (on the outer edges, right and left).  After that there is a dividing band and then another band with numbers (since the alphabet is finished).  And that's it!  So the end is in sight and I'm really enjoying this.

Meanwhile, I see that the emails (work-wise) are coming in fast and furious, so I'd best hit publish on this and get back to work.  Enjoy the day - we are almost in weekend mode!!


  1. Ooh, the pie looks fantastic! I haven’t made a pie in ages but remember the weather playing a big role in the crust success. Glad you had a respite from the heat - I like having windows open at night, too.

  2. Hello, your pie looks delicious. I like the cute squirrels, it is a cute piece. Take care, have a happy day!

  3. Mmm ... peach pie! That's one of my favorites (but I say that about most pies)!

  4. That pie looks so yummy!!!! I could use a nice, warm piece of pie right now with a side of ice cream. I hear you about the oven. I made baked eggplant Parmesan yesterday and went downstairs while it did its thing. When I came back upstairs the kitchen was full of smoke. It had bubbled over. What a mess. It was no fun cleaning it all up in that hot kitchen.

  5. I always seem to bake when its hot out too. It's a great time to make bread!

  6. You did a great job on the peach pie! Yum. I love the addition of the squirrels on samplers-really authentic look!

  7. That peach pie looks delicious and you're right. The weather does definitely play a part in how the crust turns out. And you just reminded me that I wanted to bake a coffee cake tonight while it's cooler for tomorrows breakfast. It's too late to start it now so I'll do it in the morning and we'll have it Saturday. Dennis is off work because we were supposed to be leaving for Omaha tomorrow and he just kept it as a vacation day. It's good thing he did because he and Larry are going to go to the house and take our patio furniture to storage until we move into our new RV park in a month or so. We have everything out of the house and all I have to do is wipe down counters and bathrooms, (although we haven't used them at all,) and vacuum and mop the entire house. We'll be done except for the yardwork which will have to be kept up until closing. It's a surreal feeling after so many years there.
    That sampler is turning out beautifully. I like the squirrels too.
    I hope you have a great Friday Vera. Take care.

  8. I definitely want a piece of that pie. I'm working on a sock and three shawls.

  9. Peaches with orange. Peaches with orange. Peaches with orange. Nope. Just can't imagine the taste so I'll dip my peach into my juice for a preview.

  10. Oh yes - I know that let's turn on the oven when it's hotter than heck outdoors. I'd like a taste of that pie. Yum.

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