Friday, July 10, 2020


Hello Everyone,

It's nice that Friday is here.  I don't even care that it is supposed to rain ALL day (it hasn't started yet).  I've been getting texts and emails about possible flooding.  We shall see.  No rain yet.

This has been one of those weeks that has felt long and has felt as though I really haven't accomplished much.  I think the heat and humidity have gotten to me.  There hasn't been much knitting.  A little stitching (not quite as hot as knitting), but not much.

I've also been bothered by a rather large (huge!!) rash on my stomach.  I was finally able to get an in-person appointment yesterday and I am now on antibiotics for Lyme Disease!  Mind you, I have not had a blood test or anything like that, but the drugs can't hurt me and better safe than sorry.  Both the nurse practitioner and the doctor immediately said LYME when they saw my stomach.  Fortunately I've had no symptoms like fevers or joint pain.  Colin contracted Lyme disease a decade or so ago when he was in college.  It took forever for him to be diagnosed and he had severe joint pain and had tons of fluid drained off his left knee a number of times.  Hopefully starting the antibiotics now I will be fine.  Of course, I also have to stay out of the sun while taking the pills.  It's a 21 day supply, so I probalby won't go walking for a bit.

On a more pleasant note, I have done some cooking and the other night we had curried vegetables for dinner.

This was so good with peppers, onions, brocolli, cauliflower, tomatoes, carrots, eggplant, garlic & ginger.  I didn't add any meat to it, but chicken or shrimp would be a good addition.

And we have eggplants growing!!  We have the plants in a pot on our patio, next to my rosemary.  These little guys are noticeably longer each morning!

I love grilling or broiling eggplant slices and then putting them on pizza.  Yum!

No real plans for the weekend.  It is supposed to be stupid hot and humid, so we will most likely lay low.  Hope you all have a wonderful one!


  1. so glad you saw the doctor virtually and they are erring on the side of caution. I guess they see the rash often enough!! I could easily stay out of the sun for 21 days :)

  2. Glad they got you on meds quickly but you still need to be tested so they can check on it.

    Grew eggplants one year, only got a few and very small. Our garden is not looking good at all this year. I live a sheltered life - curry? It's been in my cupboard, and never been used. I've been putting thick slices of sweet onions on foil, grilling to brown, can't get enough.

  3. I'm glad you got diagnosed early. John's brother is getting a course of iv antibiotics for Lyme that he has probably had for several years. It's definitely not a disease to take lightly. I hope you survive the tropical rain, heat, and humidity that's predicted. The atmosphere is thick already.

  4. This heat is making me stodgy and stupid. And there's more of it to come next week. Ugh.

    Lyme! Oh no. Has Tyg been checked for ticks as well? Do take good care of yourself.

    The curry looks so good. That with a cold off-dry riesling would be all I'd need!

  5. Hello, It is good to be on the medicine for the Lyme Disease. It is better to be safe than sorry. My hubby was told he had a bad case of Lyme's, his blood work came back with high numbers. He never had the rash. Your veggies look yummy, I love eggplant. Enjoy your day, have a great weekend!

  6. lyme?!? oh hope you caught it before the symptoms get bad. Be well soon!

  7. It's been a long week for me, too. With the same heat & humidity -- it just saps all the energy & fun from everything. We've had some rain -- oh boy, did we ever (flooded basement at work this morning!) -- and it's cooler & less humid now, thankfully. I hope the meds do their work for you!! Have a great weekend, Vera!

  8. Oh, my gosh! Lyme's? Next to the virus it's my biggest fear. My dog had it a few years ago and I am constantly pulling ticks off myself and The Mister. The last one left a bad, itchy mark that took a month to heal but I'm feeling fine so I hope that's it. It's good they caught it early.

  9. The curried veggies look tasty and so colorful. Hope the meds give that rash the boot!

  10. Oh those curried veggies look delumptious (to use a term of my mother's)!

    I hope your rash is not Lyme, but at least if it is, they saw it now rather than years from now. Take care and have a good weekend.

  11. Oh yikes! I hope the rash is gone soon... and it is not Lyme Disease!

  12. I sure hope it isn't lyme disease. I don't know a lot about it since it is pretty rare here but I know it's not fun. I felt something crawling on my neck at my hairline last night and when I pulled it off it was a tick! Thank goodness it was still crawling and not biting.
    The eggplant on pizza sounds interesting. I've never heard of that.
    Wishing you a great weekend. We're going to try to relax a bit this weekend as we've worked non-stop at the house for two weeks now in addition to Dennis's normal 13 hour workdays.

  13. So sorry about the Lyme's disease. It can be tough to get well from if you don't catch it early. Glad you went right to the doctor. Both my sister and BIL have had it. His is reoccurring and hers seems to have been dealt with and is not coming back. Stay safe.

  14. EEeek! I'm sorry about the possible Lyme disease, hope it isn't that and hope the antibiotics rids you of the rash asap. Boy, you sure did get me started with the cross stitch! Is that one word or two? I posted a few other projects on my blog today. Get well. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  15. I'm so glad you went and had a person to person! The meds so early will do the trick. I shudder to think of the alternative! Your garden is growing so beautifully!

  16. Wow, Lyme's Disease is serious. It's so good that you were able to get an appointment in person. I have my doubts about dermatology over Zoom. I'm glad that you aren't having joint issues, and I'll cross my fingers that you are on the mend.

  17. Yikes, Vera - I'm glad you got a quick diagnosis and treatment ... sure hope the antibiotics take care of it (and yeah, I wouldn't mind an excuse to stay out of the sun right now). Loved seeing Wednesday's crochet progress. The good thing about joining crochet is that it's quick and the joining rows provide an easy place to bury all the ends.

  18. Oh man, I am glad you were able to get into the doctor. My son-in-law had Lyme disease but did quite well with antibiotics. Your curried veggies sound delicious.

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