Monday, June 15, 2020


Hello and Good Morning!

Monday Morning and back at it.  I'm at the office...hopefully only for a half day or so, but time will tell.  There are more budget meetings this week and I have a conference call at 10 a.m.

Meanwhile, the weekend was wonderful.  I, naturally, didn't take pictures of anything that went on.  First up on Friday afternoon Colin called to see if we wanted to come over for dinner and a fire.  Of course we did!  I brought the makings for a new drink:  a Minty Cucumber Gin Cooler.  Oh my.  2 parts cucumber water (not infused, but mixed in the blender), 1 part mint simple syrup, 1 part fresh lime juice, 2 parts gin.  Mix up and top with seltzer.  So refreshing and you are getting veggies - lol.  Colin grilled skirt steaks and we had lettuce wraps with the steak, Spring garlic and scallions.  Also rice and a Chinese cucumber salad.  We never got around to cutting a watermelon for dessert.  We took a nice 30 minute walk after dinner and then sat around a fire until almost 10 p.m.  So relaxing.  They have so much wildlife around their home.  We saw bunnies (so many!!), a fox, a young buck, a hawk and as dusk came on the bats came out.

On Saturday our friends Carol and Gregg finally came up.  We hadn't seen them in almost 2 years (except at a funeral last summer).  I made the same gin drinks and cooked shrimp and scallops for dinner.  That dish also had cherry tomatoes and spinach in it.  We had a French baguette to go with the meal and I had made a pineapple upside down cake for dessert.  I think I gained a few pounds over the weekend.

Our weather has been gorgeous!  The mornings are actually a little on the chilly side - low 50's, but brilliant sunshine.  The days have just warmed up to the low-to-mid-70's.  For me, that is perfect weather.  It will gradually get warmer as this week goes on and the forecast for next Saturday is in the 90's.  We'll be over at Colin & Mailing's again for a solstice party (just a few of us - Mailing's parents and sister, us and Mailing's uncle).

The knitting I had planned to do this weekend did not happen.  I found it easier just to work on some Granny Squares.

I need to see how many I have now.  Close to 25 I think!

OK, time to get busy with work.  Hope everyone has a wonderful week!


  1. I don't drink gin, but with vodka, I could have a few of those. Sounds so good! What a lovely weekend you had. And you're turning into a crocheter, I think...!

    I have a jar of rhubarb cordial working away on my countertop, by the way. Found a recipe on Food52 using a liter of vodka. Can't wait.

  2. That sounds like a perfect summer weekend, Vera -- and a perfect summer cocktail, too. Here's to a great week ahead. XO

  3. sometimes the best weekends are the ones with scant photos :) Love your squares and good luck with the office re entry!

  4. That's the sign of a great weekend - you're to busy enjoying yourself to take photos! I'm not a big fan of gin, but that drink sounds delicious. I may try it with gin, and then try it with vodka. Cucumbers, mint, and alcohol sound like a win!

  5. Oh, such a good weekend! Hope you will be refreshed for work.
    the granny squares are looking good!

  6. I am dying at the veggies in the drink comment! (and thinking... hey, I did the same with the cucumber slices in my G&T over the weekend, lol)

    Go you on those gorgeous granny squares!

  7. I’m glad that you were finally able to connect with your friends and enjoy and evening with Colin and Mailing, too. Have a fabulous week.

  8. Hello, Vera

    Your drink and the meals all sounds delicious. I would love the lettuce wrap. I am glad you could get together with friends and family. The granny squares look pretty. Enjoy your day, wishing you a happy new week!

  9. The weather has been weirdly beautiful considering how awful it was last week. It's too bad summer doesn't just stay this way. Even the bugs seemed to have disappeared.

  10. It sounds as though you had a wonderful weekend with family and friends. Ours was cold and rainy but we were at the trailer anyway and had a great time watching movies and crocheting. It's still raining today and only 45F. Strange weather we're having this spring. Summer starts in just a week and it feels more like late winter.

  11. Your weekend sounds festive and happy!

  12. What a lovely weekend with friends, family, and delicious menus. Your weather sounds just perfect too. Have a good week.

  13. I'm glad you got to spend time with friends and family while enjoying good food over the weekend. I think your granny squares are going to make a delightful blanket. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  14. Those squares are just enchanting to me.

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