Tuesday, June 9, 2020

TNT 6/9/20

Good Morning!

Whew!!  Yesterday was such a long day at work.  I had told Fletch I'd be home right after lunch, but before I knew it the time was flying by and it was already after 3 p.m.  So many spreadsheets, my eyes felt like they were crossed.  So I packed stuff up, came home and now I need to go in to the office again today.I had thought I could get a little bit of work done last night too, but I think my brain was too fried.  Instead, Fletch and I sat out by a fire.

It was a beautiful night for a fire.  The temp never got really hot yesterday and by 8:30 or so it had begun to drop.  I had to stand up every once and awhile and rotate so that my backside would feel the warmth of the fire.

Well, on to the stitching for Tiny Needle Tuesday.  After finishing May Basket last week, I went through my stash and picked out a little sampler too work on.  May Basket was small - approximately 3" square.  This new one is slightly bigger - it will end up being about 7" by 7.5".  You may remember that I really love Adam and Eve samplers, so that is what I chose.  It is called "Hallow Eden" by Plum Street Samplers.  Here is a picture of it:

And here is where I am:

I'm using the called-for linen by Lakeside Linens.  The color actually has a little bit of a green cast to it.  I'm using 28 count.  The threads are Crescent Colours (cotton hand dyed).  It's been enjoyable to work on some stitching again.

Tonight I plan to make some home-made pesto using fresh basil, fresh radish greens and garlic scapes that Fletch will pick in the garden today.  YAY for it being scape season!!

Well, almost 6 a.m.  I've got to get moving, dry my hair and get dressed and go to work.  wishing you all a wonderful day - enjoy!


  1. Cute little stitching project! I hope today is much more manageable :)

  2. If spreadsheets don't make your eyes crossed, working on 28-count linen might! It is a beautiful project and I love the pumpkins and the snake. Hope today is a little less hectic!

  3. I almost made a fire last night myself but I thought better of it after a no see um attack the night before. It's either too wet, too windy or too buggy for my poor unused fire ring. I spend all winter stacking wood for no reason.

  4. Our garlic has thick sturdy stems but no curly bumps yet. Hope to see them soon, never picked them before! You really do have an early harvest and I would love to attempt that next year.

    Stitching looks really nice.

  5. The fire looks inviting - perfect for conversation and reminiscing. I like your new stitch project, too.

  6. Heavens! And I just yesterday spent all morning weeding out, tilling, and replanting my herb garden! You've already got basil for pesto. We are way behind you. The only things I've been harvesting and using are chives, thyme (which went nuts and wants to take over), and tarragon. They come back every year like gangbusters.

    I love the figures on that sampler and their strategically placed objects.

  7. Fun new pattern for you to cross stitch! The fireside was a perfect way to unwind yesterday!

  8. What a cool little sampler, Vera! I've never seen/heard of an Adam and Eve sampler, but I just love it -- it's so much fun. I'm so glad you took some time to re-charge with a fire last night! I'll bet you really needed it - and your brain will thank you today. There is nothing I like better than fresh-from-the-garden basil pesto. YUM! :-)

  9. That cross stitch is beautiful. I can't wait to get my floss and start working on the sheep virtues again.
    It was 36F here last night. And we ran out of propane in the trailer during the night so it was 49 inside when we woke up. Dennis quick went outside and switched tanks and all is well again. Under the covers it was nice and toasty but I think Chloe was probably cold.

  10. I keep thinking that I should resume a little stitching now that I have better glasses for close work! That's a really cute sampler!!

  11. So many of you are stitching right now and it is all so pretty! Kim , Cria Kim is stitching. I admire your tiny tiny work that becomes a sampler and an heirloom immediately!!! Nice

  12. I love the glimpses of your stitching. I did not know that Adam and Eve samplers were a thing. Interesting. Your finished socks in the post below are lovely. I hope we have a little cooler weather this week. It seems a little early for mid-90's plus humidity.

  13. That's a great fire! Your x-stitch is looking good. We're having horrible weather here.. I wouldn't be surprised if our garden rots from too much rain. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  14. Hello, It was so hot and humid yesterday, it took a while to cool down. The cross stitch is pretty.The home-made pesto sounds yummy. Have a great day!

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