Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Unraveled Wednesday June 3, 2020

Hello, Hello!

Welcome to the first Unraveled Wednesday in June.  Linking up with Kat and others to discuss what we are making and what we are reading. 

Last week and this have been busy for me - what with being in the office more than being at home.  It's been weird!  Yesterday many of the people in the office are from NYC.  And, our business is cleaning hospitals, so you can imagine what those folks have been through!  They are so resilient and never say no.  Not one of them refused to go to work due to Covid 19.  They opened the Javits Center as well as many other make-shift facilities.  Amazing work and I am so proud of all of them.

With the long days at the office, I have been tired at night and I have definitely missed my breaks during the day to work out or go for a 4 mile walk.  My office is still not open - now we are looking at a July 13th opening (but that could change again).  I should be able to get back to working from home by next week (and this Friday hopefully).  Today I have folks from TX in and tomorrow it is the CA group.  It is so nice to see my teams again, but weird not to be able to hug anyone, etc.

So, a little bit of knitting has taken place.

This is sock #2 for my brother in Colorado.  I'm about 1/3 of the way down the foot, so I should wrap this one up by the end of the week.  I have not worked on my Hellebore Hitchhiker at all and I haven't made any more Granny Squares.  Hoping to remedy both of those situations at least over the weekend if not before.

On the reading front I just downloaded two books from Overdrive.  I haven't started either, but am looking forward to both.  First up is H is for Hawk which I never read when it first came out.  I thought with my recent hawk watching activities this would be a good book for me.  The second one is Wild Game which is the next "Read With Us" (Kym, Bonny, Carole) choice for our summer read.  I enjoy memoirs a lot, so am looking forward to this.

What are you up to this week?


  1. I hope your work schedule eases up and you get more time to yourself. Lovely sock that is nearly done!!

  2. I never knew exactly what the company you work for DID . . . but, wow! That's awfully cool, Vera. I read H is for Hawk several years ago. I think you'll find it very interesting -- especially after your own hawk experience.

  3. Hello, Vera

    It does sound like you are very busy at work. The sock looks great. I am thankful to all those who show up for work during the Covid times. The books sound interesting, I do love using the Overdrive to get my library books. Have a great day!

  4. I'm currently between books and trying to get back to knitting. The latter is sort of...meh. I'm going to keep at it, though; I have a lot of yarn!

  5. Your sock looks great and wool socks are very useful here in Colorado, even in the summer.

  6. Sock is looking good!
    Work has almost dried up for me (I'm still getting paid thankfully). Not sure if it's due to COVID, or one of the occasional dry spells we get every six months or so. If it lasts more than this week, I'll start to worry.

  7. It's funny that those of you working from home seemed to be as swamped as you are when you are in the building. Being retired is the same thing. You think it's going to be all fun and games and it's more work being home all day than you ever could have imagined when you were actually working. I guess the message is that no matter where you are life is all work and little play.

  8. Thanks to you and all those that you work with for showing up to do a difficult job. Your socks are great and Hitchikers don't mind waiting patiently! I hope you enjoy both books.

  9. Take care Vera, especially around all of your fellow employees. With all of the other news, covid seems to be taking a backseat, but it's still out there lurking about.
    I appreciate all that you and your team is doing for all of us.

  10. Kudos to you and your teams from other states! I know it can be thankless work sometimes, but it’s appreciated. Love the bird yarn bowl.

  11. I always wondered what work your company did. I'd love it if you'd tell us more about it. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  12. I love that sock! I need to find the next Read With Us book! Thanks for the reminder! :)

  13. The sock looks great. I love the yarn. I reread Olive Kitteridge and now have the audio of Olive Again on Overdrive. I listened to the first chapter/story but I don't know. I know it isn't popular but I may have had enough of Olive for now.

  14. I'll bet things are still different and up in the air.
    the sock is making great progress-love the color!

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