Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Unraveled Wednesday 03/11/20

Good Morning!

Another restless night last night so I am a tad bit on the groggy side.  I am so over this waking in the night.....

But, it's Wednesday, so we are plowing through the week.  I am joining in with Kat (who may have turned into a sock knitting fanatic???) and friends for an unraveled report.  Here I was thinking I had done a lot of knitting yesterday, but when I took the pictures last night, it's not a whole lot!

I am on the foot of Plaid Blanket sock #1 (these will be for Colin).  This morning over coffee I added another 10 rows so am now halfway to the toe decrease.

Poor Miss Lime is looking rather pathetic.  When I last reported on this sock I had one pattern repeat completed (4 rows).  Not that it is really visible in the picture above, but last night I added another 12 rows for 4 pattern repeats.  The first sock has 20 pattern repeats, so I have a ways to go.  Unlike Kat, I am not doing the lace work on the foot.  After seeing her finish, I wish I were doing that, but Sock #1 is finished and it is not being ripped back to add lace.  Miss Lime has come to work today.  I am determined to wear these next Tuesday (St. Paddy's Day) when we are having a lunch at work.

Once again I am not reading very much.  I have given up on "The Gown."  I was just bored and not very interested in it.  Had it been more about the embroidery of the gown I would have enjoyed that, but half-way through the book I just couldn't take any more.  I have picked up "Olive Kitteridge" which I read when it first came out.  I'm re-reading it in advance of reading "Olive, Again."  The first two stories are finished and they are just so good.  Excellent writing.

Do head over to Kat's to see what everyone else is knitting and reading!


  1. I have been looking through the patterns by Heidi Alander and I did not realize that she has two patterns in 52 weeks of socks! I think I need that book now... I loved her pattern and have added a few of her "free" socks to my favorites to pair with some yarn!

    I am easing my way into Churchill and am loving it!

  2. I think your socks are looking good! Just think how much more energy you would have for knitting if you could get a good night's sleep. (I hope that happens!) I read The Gown and finished it, but I can reassure you that you did not miss anything. I also wished for more about the embroidery of the gown but it just turned into a soap opera. I love both Olive books!

  3. You always choose the best colors and yarns. But then it's not like you're new to this!

  4. hope the groggy goes away, each day I'm into the new time change the better I feel. Spring time change is brutal for me :) love your knitting!

  5. Ugh...I feel for you regarding the sleeping. I put together 5 hours last night for the first time in what seems like weeks. Looking forward to seeing you show off those socks next Tuesday!

  6. I hope you can finish Miss Lime before the 17th. They will per perfect for that day’s luncheon. Happy Knitting!

  7. I'm groggy today too. I couldn't go to sleep last night and was still awake at 2:00. The phone rang at 7:00 am and again at 7:45 so I'm up for the day now. I know sleep is important right now with that nasty virus, and it's never been so elusive for me.
    The socks are looking great. I love Plaid Blanket socks and the green ones will be perfect for St. Paddy's day.
    Have a good day today Vera.

  8. Lovely socks! I'm still recovering from the time change. It's taking longer than usual.. I must be getting old! Lol.

  9. I've got a cat that keeps waking me up at 4 am to eat so I am also very stabby these days. I have no idea what's up with him. He just won't take no for an answer.

  10. I'm getting poor sleep too--very light and wakeful. This usually means a round of insomnia, so I'm not loving it.

    It took me decades to be able to quit on a book. Now, I just say, "Oh well. I'd rather not waste any more time." Imagine if I'd had the guts to say that a lot sooner...!

  11. Hello,
    I have trouble sleeping, waking up at weird times. The yard and socks are looking good. The plaid is pretty. Wishing you a great day!

  12. I'm having trouble sleeping too!! Have been for a while, but the news these days has me off the charts with restless sleep. I guess we're all sharing lack of sleep! Nice on your sock WIPs. I think having more than one project on the go isn't a big deal, as long as you get back to them. My problem is always that -- I'm always afraid if I put a project down I won't get back to it. I seem better on that score (sort of) with knitting than stitching. I hope! Hope you sleep better soon. Me too!

  13. I can so relate to your sleep trouble. Night before last I just couldn't go to sleep. Have you tried melatonin? A pain med before bed? I do both. Good job on the socks. I wish I could find my sock yarn I put away with my whole set of bronze DPNs.. size 1. Have a good rest of the week. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  14. I hope you sleep better this evening. Adjusting to the Spring time change gets harder the older I get. I think the news and uncertainty is hard on all of us. Nice work on the socks. Slow and steady gets the knitting done - eventually. And yes - I vote for giving up any book that doesn't seem worth reading. There are plenty of good books to read.

  15. Nice work on the socks. Sorry about losing sleep--no fun cuz it isn't just lost sleep at night, it affects you whole day, too!
