Friday, September 2, 2022


 Hello and Good Morning,

Happy September!  I intended to write that greeting yesterday, but then work got crazy/busy and suddently the day got away from me.  BUT...I also decided to take today as a vacation day to make a four day weekend.  Of course, when I was awake in the middle of the night I suddenly remembered a report that I needed to do...I took care of that first thing, so now no more work today, no conference calls, etc.  A lovely feeling.

The air this morning is so cool and refreshing.  Just about 59 degrees and it actually felt a little chilly when I let Mabel out at 4:30 this morning.  Poor thing, she is sneezing constantly!  The past 2-3 days have been filled with non-stop sneezing on her part.  She is not congested or stuffy, thankfully.

On Wednesday Fletch and I went to a new (to us) thrift store.  It had just opened in June.  On our way we stopped at the library for me to pick up two books that had come in for me.  As luck would have it, the thrift store's special of the day was five books for $1.  Of course I found five!!

I have not read any of these!  The top four have been on my list for about forever and then Cane River just looked interesting to me.  I don't NEED more books to own, but I couldn't pass up the bargain.  Once I read these, I will just donate them.

The best find though is a frame I picked up for $11.99.  For years (ever since I finished stitching it) I have carried the dimensions of a stitched piece in my little notebook.  The piece is A Parrot, A Leopard, A Lion from The Scarlet Letter:

It is the one piece I've stitched that Colin really likes, so I've been on the hunt for a frame and here is what I found:

Sorry for the glare and the dirt (and price tag lower left - lol) - obviously I have not cleaned it yet.  But, if I measured correctly, the stitched piece should fit perfectly in the center area of the frame.  Fingers crossed.

Wednesday also saw me making the Eggplant Caponata that I mentioned the other day.  OMG - so freakin' good I could have stood with a spoon and just eaten all of it out of the pan!  Instead I put it in the frig.  Yesterday when I was out I bought a baguette and lunch today will be toasted (with EVOO) baguette with Caponata.  I might have to be a pig!  LOL

Fletch is grilling wings for dinner and I will make potato salad and cole slaw to go with those.  Tomorrow I'll meet up with Dee for our Saturday session of knitting/chatting/sipping.  Other than that, no plans for the weekend.  Whatever you do, I hope you have a wonderful weekend - enjoy!!


  1. What finds! I am in awe of your stitching. I was just watching a FlossTube where someone was showing off patterns from The Scarlet Letter. They have some beautiful stuff but way out of my league stitching wise.

  2. Your thrift shop finds are spectacular! I've read three of those books and they are wonderful, and that frame is a real bargain. (That stitched piece is gorgeous!) Enjoy your eggplant caponata, having the rest of the day free, a delicious dinner, time with Dee, and a long weekend!

  3. What a gorgeous needlepoint piece. Have you ever shown it to us before? It's incredible. Truly worthy of framing.

    Love the whole idea of eggplant caponata, but not with raisins. Did you use them? I am Raisin Averse.

    Have a great LONG weekend. (How is it September?!)

  4. Great frame. We carry around measurements for a couple pictures too... because new frames are so dang expensive!

  5. Thrift shops are by far my favorite stores to shop, especially if I’m looking for something specific. It’s like a scavenger hunt and a challenge. Enjoy your long weekend.

  6. Nice post! I hope you have a good weekend! Great snatch of the frame!

  7. That was quite a find, both with the books but especially the frame. I have bought new frames for my last two pieces but I really don't want to do that again. SO expensive. The stichery piece is lovely. I'm sure Colin will be thrilled to get it.
    I hope you and Dee have a great time and the rest of your weekend too.

  8. Great scores on the frames! I'm not sure why I have seen no eggplant out here.

  9. You had some great finds at the thrift store! Ann Patchett is a favorite of mine, and I loved Bel Canto (but haven't yet read The Magician's Assistant). I read Suite Francaise last summer; it's good, but sad, as you would expect. I'm glad that you've taken the day off to get an extra-long long weekend -- enjoy!

  10. I'm glad you found a frame. I also would have snapped up the books at that price. I read The Mermaid's Chair quite awhile ago and enjoyed it. I hope you do too. Enjoy your four day weekend.

  11. that frame is quite the find! I never thought to carry dimensions with me...duh. Great idea!! Love the book pile, I've got reading goals for the rest of the year to read and purge some of what is in the house.

  12. Five for $1, what a bargain! And a long sought frame on top. Sounds like a deal day.

  13. What amazing finds, Vera! Well done you! I'd love to hear your thoughts on Bel Canto when you get to it... it is a book that asks for discussion, I think! :)

  14. Ooooo! Suite Francais!!!! I love that one! And the frame looks absolutely perfect for your stitched piece. What a successful thrifting day! XO
