Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Tiny Needle Tuesday 5/4/21

 Good Morning!

We had some rain yesterday and it sounded so nice last night when I went to bed - like a lullaby on the roof.  I slept well!

Yesterday was a weird day and I just felt off.  It started in the morning when I decided to run to the library around 9:15 or so to drop off a book.  From there I drove over to Target - was looking for 3 specific items, none of which could I find.  Normally I would have wandered around the store - just glad to be out, seeing if there was anything I "needed," etc.  Luckily I did not do that but instead drove home.  I got in at 10 and was going to go back out to cut some Lily of the Valley but decided to check email first.  I had completely forgotten that I had a conference call at 10 a.m.!  That is so unlike me.  Anyway, I dialed in and joined the meeting.  The rest of the day was kind of the same - no more conference calls, but I kept forgetting things I had to do.  Hopefully today will be a bit more focused.

Well, it's Tuesday which means TNT - Tiny Needle Tuesday.  I have started a new sampler!  The one I picked is a little smaller than the Quaker Autumn one I just finished.  Here is a picture of the design from Needlework Press:

Creatures, flowers and angels!  What's not to like?  As I mentioned yesterday, the silk floss that I wanted for this arrived on Friday.  Once I had all the colors, I was able to lay them out against the fabrics in my stash and pick one that let the colors shine.  I don't know the brand or the specific color name...it was just sitting in my stash.  I actually did a running stitch on the side to determine the count as that was not marked either.  Turns out it is 36 count (so, stitching over 2 threads it works out to 18 stitches to the inch).  I started this on Saturday morning when I got together with Dee, and here is where it stood as of last night:

The silks are hand dyed (Belle Soie by Crescent Colours) and I am stitching with one strand of silk over 2 linen threads.  So far I'm loving this one.

It has already been a busy morning (and a busy evening last night) work-wise.  On the docket this morning is working on the org charts for our FY 2022 budgets.  It's a ton of numbers as for each account/facility I list not only the director's name, but the revenue, profit, number of managed employees and adjusted gross income.  Between the 3 divisions I support, it totals approximately 475 accounts...so, a ton of numbers.  I'm hoping to get to my closet today as well, but time will tell.  It's another grey one here and was raining lightly when I got up earlier, so no real incentive to go out.  Hopefully there will be some time later for knitting, stitching and reading.

Have a wonderful Tuesday!


  1. That sampler has a delightful combination of items to stitch and you've made a good start on it! I'm sure that stitching with hand-dyed silk thread is lovely to do and lovely to look at. I hope dealing with 475 accounts goes well; it sounds like you will need some focus for this!

  2. Hello Vera

    Your new sampler project looks pretty, I like the angel. Last night our phones were going off with tornado warnings, luckily it missed us. Have a great day!

  3. Gorgeous colors in the red wreath. It will be fun to see this sampler progress.

  4. The new sampler is a great pick but the thread really is beautiful-nice idea. Don't you hate it when you miss a timed appt?! Glad you were only late and didn't miss it altogether! Some days roll like that!

  5. I am so excited to see a new sampler take shape!

  6. That is very pretty! Is stitching with silk threads different?

  7. That sampler is going to be so pretty with the thread. I think I can tell the difference. The color looks rich and deep.
    I'm sorry about the appointment and forgetting things. I do that sometimes too. It gets frustrating but I've learned to roll with it. Usually the next day is better.
    I can sympathize with you on the accounts. I used to be a bookkeeper and had 29 checking accounts to deal with. Some days were real headaches when it was time to balance the month!

  8. Wow! Silk threads! Crazy, Vera! I love the color depth! Wow!

    And I have to ask... do you use a light? A magnifier? I would love to find out your tips!

  9. gorgeous new sampler!! You inspire me :)

  10. What a pretty new sampler. How nice that you and Dee could get together and stitch. Sounds like a good time.
