Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Unraveled Wednesday 9/9/20

Good Morning! 

Here we are at Unraveled Wednesday and yup - there has been unraveling this week for sure.

Gulp!  No more Hellebore Hitchhiker.  I realized I was no longer loving this and looking back at what I had knit, there were some obvious "problems."  Spots where I had dropped a stitch and not picked it up properly and as tiny as those spots were, I knew they would stand out for me.  So poof!  The other day I completely unwound it.  

The Hellebore yarn is just so beautiful and I will use it still for a shawl, but a different pattern.  I'm in the midst of reviewing options, but believe I have picked out Zilver as a good option.  Time will tell.

There will be more unraveling today as I un-do the raspberry colored sweater I started the other year.  Not feeling the love, you know?  I'll figure out something for that yarn...again too pretty to let it just sit and marinate a bit (it's been marinating in a project bag for some time now - lol).

I also caked up two skeins of yarn for some socks because you always need to have socks on the needles, right?

On the right is "Aspen" by Less Traveled Yarn.  This is a skein I bought the other week when Dee and I were at Purls of Wisdom in Kimberton.  On the left is "Hera's Peacock" a Flocksock Fingering by Holiday Yarns.  I have no clue when or where I bought that!  Patterns have yet to be decided upon, but I will try to figure that out today.  Aiming towards something lacy in the blue and something more plain in the Aspen.

Fletch and I are continuing to read (after dinner) "South Moon Under" by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings and enjoying it very much.  I'm waiting for a few books on Overdrive to come in.

I'm home today and it should be a fairly easy work day.  Hoping to get a short walk in at lunch time.  Tomorrow will be a full day at the office.  I'd best set my alarm, because it will be back to my pre-Covid days of getting in by 7:15 or so.  My bosses will all be in for a meeting that starts at 8 and then we have the retirement luncheon for my peer who is retiring at the end of the month.  I was going to say I was jealous/envious of her retiring, but my new schedule of (primarily) working from home is great and I'm really enjoying it.  I will stick it out for a bit longer!

As usual, linking up with Kat for Unraveled Wednesday.  Head on over to her place to see what she and others are making and reading!


  1. no! not the frogging! however if you do not like it well then it will be put to better use.

  2. Unraveling is often disappointing, but it's really for the best when you know that things just aren't right. The yarn is beautiful and I'm sure you'll find better pattern matches. Those sock yarns are lovely and it looks like you are ready to cast on soon!

  3. I literally gasped when I read that you completely unraveled the Hellebore Hitchhiker! I thought we were loving it. Sigh. The Zilver pattern is quite lovely, too, though, and certainly worthy of the yarn.

    Oh, I do hate the unravelling!

  4. Hello,
    I can only guess you are disappointed at unraveling Hellebore Hitchhiker. The Silver looks pretty, I checked out the link.
    I like your new sock yarns, the one on the left Hera's Peacock is pretty. Take care, enjoy your day!

  5. New sock yarn is beautiful! I often unravel almost completed projects and reuse the yarn in a different pattern.

  6. I think one of the things I love best about knitting is that it's not permanent, and yarn can always be unraveled and reknit as something else. The Hellebore yarn is too pretty to be used in something that's not pleasing you, so I hope you like it much better in the new shawl.

  7. Once I've finally made the decision to unravel something . . . I find it so satisfying! I'm sure you'll find the perfect projects for those lovely yarns. I'm so glad you're able to work from home more often -- and that it's working so well for you! :-)

  8. Oh no!! But good for you! I once unraveled an entire adult-sized cardigan... after it was sewn up and everything! It was just a waste of good yarn. ;) Have you ever knit "Close To You"? (Rav: That might be a good match with that yarn, and it's a free pattern!

  9. Sad to rip out but it doesn't feel as bad when it is a good decision! The new sock yarns look very inviting!!!

  10. Sometimes you just gotta frog. That is one good thing about yarn, you can always reuse it.
    I need to go start some socks myself but this rain has me wanting a nap. I feel a lazy day coming on.

  11. I'm sorry you had to frog the shawl, but I'm the same way. When I see problems I have to rip it out. It drives Dennis nuts because he can't see the mistakes like I do.
    I have never knit a Hitchhiker but it seems to be similar to the Pimpelliese and and love knitting those.
    Love the sock yarn you've chosen and the fact that the yarn matches the bowls! Now that's coordination.
    I hope the day at work goes well.

  12. Yesterday, I found a bag with a long neglected (easily four years) shawl. I’m considering frogging the thing and finding something new to knit with the yarn. Hera’s Peacock will work well with lace.

  13. Well, you will have lovely yarns to restart things with, so all is not lost!

  14. Oy, so much unraveling. (but it can be cathartic and freeing!) I hope that is how it feels for you!

  15. You have reminded me that I have a project just like yours that you I have abandoned as it is not right for the yarn. I really should unravel it. It is painful isn't it but sometimes it is the right thing to do. I hope your find the right pattern for your beautiful yarn.

  16. i focus on those little errors too. Especially in garter.

  17. I never mind unraveling a project. After all, we are the bosses of our knitting (E. Zimmermann said) You will find another use for those yarns. In the meantime yes to socks. I'm anxious to see what patterns you choose.

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