Friday, September 4, 2020

Friday Miscellany


Happy Friday!  Happy Labor Day Weekend!  Woo-Hoo.  I know many of you (most) are not happy to see Summer winding down, but Fall is my favorite season, so I am thrilled.  This morning it is foggy and damp out, but the sun is supposed to come out and it is forecast to only be in the low 80's.  I have a busy work-morning, but expect the afternoon to be easy (perhaps free of work??).  Dee is coming over early afternoon and we plan to take a nice walk on the River Trail, then come back here for an icy beverage and some knitting time.  The perfect way to start a holiday weekend.

A bit ago I showed a picture of a pumpkin on our picnic table (with my bird perched on top).  Look at that pumpkin now!

Ha!  Looks a bit creepy, no?  We are guessing it is the woodpeckers who have been doing their thing on this poor pumpkin.  There is an even bigger hole on the other side.  It won't last much longer.

I did pick more green beans and cherry tomatoes yesterday.  Both are still coming in like gangbusters.  And Fletch has planted some fall things:  lettuce, spinach, bok choy and Swiss chard.  All are coming up.

I thought I would show you a picture of the sampler I've decided to work on.  It's a Mexican sampler from The Scarlet Letter.  Dona Dorothea  I pulled this out of my chest filled with cross stitch stuff.  This is where I left off several years ago.

I love all the figures in this - especially the checkerboard deer.  I don't really have all that much left to do, but it is a lot of satin stitch which is time consuming and the colors don't thrill me.  But, I've decided I really want to finish I will!  Hopefully by next TNT there will be some progress made on this.  I have great plans for lots of knitting and stitching over this long weekend...we'll see how that goes!

Time to pour another cup of coffee and get myself going!  Have a wonderful, long weekend everyone.


  1. I love fall and am so excited we are in the month that it happens! interesting art on that pumpkin - birds are funny in their behavior!!

  2. I love fall, too, and am most happy when the temps are around 65! That sampler is really interesting and my eye went right to the checkerboard deer. I hope you have a great weekend, Vera!

  3. Oh my gosh... CHECKERBOARD DEER!! Have a great weekend, Vera!

  4. Checkerboard deer! Man, that is just too cute! Here is to a weekend full of making! :)

  5. That sampler is a really beauty!!! Funny how we have such treasures tucked away for later. If this isn't later I don't know what is.

  6. Hello,

    Happy Labor Day weekend. Have a great time with Dee. I like the deer, they are cute. Take care, enjoy your day!

  7. The sampler is wonderful - so much to look at and admire. Your plans for today and the weekend sound great. Enjoy!

  8. Around here it's the chipmunks and squirrels who pick at the pumpkins like that.

    Enjoy your long weekend and time again with Dee. We're having moderate temps, too. Hooray! I'm tired of air conditioning.

  9. I think the woodpecker has been helping you decorate!

  10. Your sampler is beautiful! I too, like Scarlet Letter. Brought back memories of cross-stitching days. Now, I knit mostly. LynnIL

  11. That is a great sampler for you to finish. We don't have any plans for the weekend which seems very odd since for 9 years we've been at the lake for all of the summer holidays. We'll be leaving next week for Karen's memorial service so I think relaxing and resting up is on the agenda this weekend in preparation for that long drive again.

  12. I hope you enjoyed your visit with Dee. That sounds like a great way to start the weekend. That sampler looks ambitious but you have more than a good start. It is also very pretty.

  13. What a fun sampler and I also like the checkerboard deer. Where do you find such unique patterns? Have a fabulous weekend. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  14. Fall is my favorite season, too, especially the early part when it still warms up enough during the day but the mornings and evenings are cool.

    Love that checkerboard deer! You seem to be drawn to samplers with sassy animals!

  15. What a beautiful sampler--great choice to finish it up! I wouldn't be surprised if it wasn't squirrels who are nibbling on your pumpkin, too!

  16. The squirrels here would just chew that pumpkin apart. That sampler is intricate and lovely

  17. Unusual and wonderful sampler. I think squirrels may be the culprit. Enjoy your cool weather. I'm so disappointed!!

  18. Hope you had a wonderful walk and visit with Dee. A perfect way to start a long weekend. Stay safe.
