Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Unraveled Wednesday 05/20/20

Good Morning!

Time continues to be moving at warp speed for me.  The days are just getting away from me.

A little bit of knitting and crocheting has taken place.  Not a lot, but a bit.  First up, the Hellebore Hitchhiker now has 12 teeth and 50 stitches on the needle.

So many pretty colors in this yarn and it is all flowing together so smoothly.

My brother's sock is progressing as well.

Hard to see the herringbone pattern on this, but it's a bit more visible in real life.  Again, this yarn is full of such pleasing colors.  I'll probably do about 5-10 more rows and then start the heel flap (right now it has 15 rows of ribbing at the cuff and then 62 rows with the pattern and plain knitting).

Finally, a few more Granny Squares were made.

This is proving to be a fun project.  I'm up to 16 squares so far.  I think once I hit 25 I'll lay them out and see how they all look together.

My reading mojo isn't fully back yet.  I keep starting and stopping books, but I am almost finished "Olive Kitteridge" which I am re-reading in preparation for reading "Olive, Again."  I must have read Olive Kitteridge when it was first published and I don't remember any of it!  Some of the stories are just so bleak (maybe it's the time we are in right now?).  I have one or two stories/chapters left and then I will pause before picking up Olive, Again.  Fletch and I are continuing to read "All the Little Live Things" by Wallace Stegner (a favorite author of mine).  This book too has some dark bits to it, but we are now more than halfway through.

Once again, linking up with Kat for Unraveled Wednesday.  Head on over to her space to see what she and others are making and reading.


  1. It looks like you've been quite busy with your projects, Vera! I am especially loving the granny squares, and can't wait to see what you end up doing with them. :-) It's amazing to me . . . how quickly the days fly by.

  2. I am in love with your Hellebore Hitchhiker! That yarn is just gorgeous!!

  3. Nice to see your progress with the shawl and socks! I'm glad you stuck with the granny squares-you won't want to stop at 25!

  4. I tried to pick which of your three projects was my favorite, but I love them all! The Hitchhiker is just lovely (and your tablecloth makes a perfect background), you brother will be very happy with his socks, and the granny squares are quite cheerful. I'm glad you continued working on them!

  5. Hello,

    I love the yarn on the shawl and sock, very pretty. The Granny Squares are looking good, it will be nice to see all 25 squares together. I have to check out those books, they are new to me. Enjoy your day!

  6. I can't believe that this weekend is Memorial Day Weekend! May really is flying by. You're filling it with yarn projects, for sure.

    I look forward to seeing all your squares together. I can't believe how many you've made! And to think you started it all as a lark.

  7. Olive Kitteridge was my very first Audible pick and I don't remember anything about it either. I don't need bleak right now either so I'll keep that sequel on the back burner. I've been starting and stopping books too. I can't seem to stick to one story these days. Make believe just can't compete with real life these days.

  8. Your making fantastic use of your free time! Your knit and crochet projects are wonderful.

  9. my reading mojo isn't what it used to be either. Lovely projects and you can never ever go wrong with a hitchhiker!

  10. You are getting a lot of making accomplished. I'm late to your blog party but is your hellebore hitchhiker a free pattern? would love to make one but really didn't want to buy a pattern I might not like/enjoy. great grannies! my reading attention span is zero. so sad.

  11. My goodness you're getting a lot accomplished in the knit/crochet world. Everything looks wonderful.

  12. The hitchhiker is perfectly blended yarn and pattern! Nice job

  13. I love the BluBarb name for your jam. I bet it is tasty. The hitchhiker and socks look great. You are tempting me with those granny squares and I rarely crochet. And Baby Hawks - how exciting. No wonder your days fly by - you are busy.

  14. Ooh, that flash of bright green in your Hitchhiker! I may have stuck a toe into the crochet rabbit hole... I wonder how many gigantic colorful projects one person things she needs!?? Haha.

  15. Beautiful knitting. I have found that I am doing better these days with short stories as opposed to novels. Right now, I'm reading Occasional Magic.

  16. I just saw Jane re-reading Olive before starting Olive, Again ... I did that last December and really enjoyed spending a week or two with Olive. She can be a curmudgeon ... but she has a good heart. (I wonder what she'd think about All This right now?!)

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