Monday, June 24, 2024

Weekending 6/24/24

 Good Morning!

Weekending:  It was (and still is) HOT.  We stayed mostly inside.  The end.

That pretty much sums the weekend up.  Beastly hot.  I was able to do some knitting and stitching inside as well as a bit of reading, so it was not all bad.  We had a slight chance of rain last night, but that never happened.  Thank goodness Fletch watered the garden.

While Fletch was watering, I walked out to look at things.  First up, we have little yellow squash beginning to grow!!

It's almost time to harvest garlic...but we usually do that around July 4th.  Meanwhile, our onions are growing so well.

We can't decide if our tomatoes are doing well or not.  We have one Roma plant this year - I wanted it for cooking.  There are two tomatoes on it beginning to ripen, but they are small.

Our cherry tomato plants do have fruit, but nothing ripening yet and the plants don't look all that healthy.  Fletch planted a ton of beans and we have exactly 2 shoots coming up.  Not sure what's with that.  We do have several very small cucumbers growing and the eggplant on the patio is healthy and finally flowering, so it should not be long before we see early eggplants forming.  The most exciting though is that we now have figs!!

It took awhile.  After forming 3 figs prior to any leaves erupting, nothing more happened.  The tree leafed out and nothing...then one day Fletch spotted a dozen or so figs about the size of pencil they are getting to be marble size.

We will do a quick grocery shopping this morning before it gets beastly hot again.  That's it for today's plans.

I hope everyone is staying cool.  Fingers crossed we get a break from this weather soon.


  1. Sounds like it's not a great garden year this year.

    We don't veggie garden, but I noticed differences in the spring flowers this year. The dogwoods definitely weren't as good as other years and the lilac while full of flowers did not hold on to them as long. The two viburnums that always bloomed at the same time, did not this year. Weird.

  2. We are finally cooler here this morning, so I hope it's heading your way very soon!

    I've got lots of flowers on my zucchini plants, but I haven't spotted any fruit yet. And I have a bunch of green cherry tomatoes growing, but we're a bit away from eating any. The most exciting thing this past weekend is I spotted some flowers on some of our spaghetti squash plants, and I think the butternut squash plants aren't very far behind. The rabbits didn't bother with the squash last year, so I'm hoping they're still safe.

  3. This heat is hard on people and plants. Poor Pup is driving us crazy but I am NOT going out for a walk in this nasty weather. I wish we would get a big storm and blow it all away.

  4. We got rain overnight on Saturday and some on Sunday morning. That broke our heat wave. Finally! The humidity should be lifting today a bit. I hope that means you will get the relief as well soon.

    My herbs loved this heat and humidity! My basil suddenly went crazy, as did the thyme and sage. Parsley, not so much. It looks like I can make pesto soon. Yay!

    I've missed my walks, and I hope to take one today. There was just no way I could do it in that horrid heat without risking a migraine. Just not worth it.

  5. Wow, your garden is growing! No fruit on my tomatoes yet, but lots of flowers (I planted them after Memorial Day, so they are behind a bit!)

    We got some wild storms late yesterday that brought in some much cooler air (60 this morning!!) and I hope it makes it way to you soon!

  6. I hope my cooler weather arrives to you soon! It is blissfully glorious here this morning :) Your garden is looking pretty awesome!

  7. Our garden looks a lot like yours (but no figs here). We're on our way up to Ryan's to water because after all the "severe thunderstorm warnings" we didn't get a drop. Fingers crossed that it cools down and we all get some rain!

  8. Lots of rain and thunderstorms brought cooler air here, so relief may be headed your way. Fingers crossed . . .

  9. Sounds like you're handling the heat well and are continuing to heal! My tomatoes are teeny tiny but I'm celebrating that I have a few!

  10. It clouds over and rains every afternoon, but the morning sky is cloudless and a beautiful blue. Mosquitoes are becoming a nuisance and make spray necessary even to go get the mail.

  11. We had rain Saturday and Sunday but it's still humid. I think it's supposed to break here tomorrow, hope it does for you sooner rather than later.

  12. I guess it's good our garden got started in April and May - when it wasn't so beastly hot AND we had rain. I hope your plants can recover from this heat! (the figs do look promising!)

  13. Looks like the weather agrees with your garden. It was a hot weekend.

  14. So jealous. TWO trees and not a fig in sight!!
