Thursday, June 20, 2024

Summer Solstice. 6/20/24

 Hey-Hey and Hello!

I do not normally (don't think I have ever) linked up for "A Gathering of Poetry."  But today I am linking up with Bonny to share a poem.  

This morning I was up a bit early...fixed a cup of coffee (my first in more than 2 weeks!!) and did a few things.  I was waiting to get in the shower until Fletch was waking up...since he has to "tend" to me after I get out of the shower.  While waiting, I picked up a book from my nightstand:  Musical Tables by Billy Collins.  In my opinion, one can never go wrong reading Collins - he is a master!  And this volume of his poetry is especially fun - all the poems are very short and the one I will share is perhaps one of the longest.  At any rate, it seemed so appropriate for the summer solstice.



The two of us

One night in lawn chairs

Music coming from somewhere.


You explained

what we were hearing

Was the B-side of the moon.

Happy Summer Solstice everyone!


  1. What a sweet poem and good to hear that you are continuing to heal.

  2. I have that book... and I love every single poem in it. He is a master! My copy is dog-earred, underlined, and full of notes! His judicious use of words leaves lots of space to think!

    And WELCOME! The Third Thursday of the Month is my FAVORITE!

  3. A perfect poem for the summer solstice, Vera!

  4. We are happy to have you join, especially when you share a poem that is so perfect! I really need to get that book, sooner rather than later!

  5. That's a great poem! And I'm really happy to read that you are better all of the time.

  6. What a great poem! Happy solstice!

  7. Thanks for sharing the poem--I did enjoy the sunrise this morning, too.

  8. lovely sweet poem and so glad you are feeling better each day, may it continue swiftly!!

  9. What a wonderful poem! It may be short, but it packs a punch!

  10. Glad to see you are continuing to recover. Coffee!! Bet it tasted great after two weeks.

  11. What a perfect poem for you and Fletch!
