Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday 6/19/24

 Good Morning All,

I am happy to tell you that every single day is better!  I've still got a *hit load of healing left to do, but it is coming along.  I had a very good follow up appointment with my PCP yesterday (who gave Fletcher the highest marks for the "nursing care" he is providing to me!).  So, all is good.  I even drove on Monday and went grocery shopping as well (we were completely out of fresh mega $$$ later we have a frig full of veggies and some fruit).  It is SO good to be having GOOD food (the hospital food was vile).

Not only has Fletch been a wonderful (and necessary) help to me, but Mabel has been wonderful too!  They say that animals can sense when you are not well and she is patient...not whining...not walking on my head or body at 4 a.m. to go out, etc.  She is also very wary (thank God) when she is outside and is sticking close to home.  She is also willingly staying in at night.  The fox (or foxes) are still nearby, so we are all on guard.

Like everyone else, we are dealing with a major heatwave.  Yesterday after my PCP visit, my car thermometer was reading 97.  Yikes!  And then Monday night, just after I went upstairs to go to bed, our power went out.  I got up, came back down and sat outside with Fletch.  Our neighbor who had just come home told Fletch that a transformer had blown.  I am happy to tell you that amazingly PECO (our power company) had the power back on in under an hour!!  A close call.

Anyway, it's Wednesday and time to link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk making and reading.  Though I have not done a whole lot of knitting, I wanted to show you the progress on my Shakerag Skirt.  I am now at the row where I will add the markers and start the decreases.  Still a lot of rows to knit, but they will (thankfully) be getting smaller and smaller.

Sorry for the poor photo - it was difficult last night to get a good picture.

The first Fairy Maiden sock (with my April Sock Squad yarn from The Farmer's Daughter) was finished yesterday and the second one started.

The second one is now at the point where I will begin the leg pattern.

Finally, I picked up the Cactus Triptych from the framer yesterday!!  Not the best picture, but I had to find a place to put it last night where there was no glare on the glass.

I'm so pleased with the way it turned out.

No books have been finished since I read Summer Solstice, but I am a little more than halfway through Suite Français and what a wonderful book it is.  The writing reminds me a bit of Proust.

Time to wrap this up.  I've a ton of phone calls to make...appointments to schedule...etc.  I'm going to try to catch up on some blogs today and will try to comment.  Thanks again for all your thoughtful emails and concern for moi.  So very much appreciated.  


  1. I'm so glad you're 'back,' Vera. And you sound so good! And, frankly, far more productive than I've felt, without hospitalization! Sounds like your quality of care could not be better -- and thank goodness Mabel is tuned in. (Impressive. Because that 4 am walking-on-head is SUCH A Thing.)
    Your triptych is tops. I love cacti. I am ogling your work. The framing really sets it off.
    Here's to moving in the right direction -- with a fridge full of fresh fruits + veggies ♥

  2. I was hoping you'd be back for Unraveled Wednesday and hoping you would be improving! Kudos to Fletch for his excellent nursing care, and I'm glad that even Mabel is cooperating. Your skirt is coming along nicely and the socks are lovely. The framed Cactus Triptych looks wonderful; hang it in a place of honor!

  3. Glad to hear things are going well. It's a heat wave here too - Lemmy is mad at me because I wont let him spend all day out in it. The other three are smart enough to stay indoors when it's at its worst in the afternoon - but not ol' Lemonhead!

  4. So happy you're feeling better! Best wishes for continued good healing.

  5. I'm so happy to read this post and know that you are feeling better and it's even confirmed by the medical profession! Kudos to Fletch, too. Keep resting, stay cool and hydrated, knit and read when you can. XOXO

  6. I'm so happy to see this post and to read all the good news it contains! If you're knitting again, then you're definitely feeling much better. Please compliment Fletch and Mabel for taking such good care of you. I hope you don't experience any more power issues so you can stay cool.

  7. It sounds like things are definitely on the right track at Chez Vera, and I am so very glad. How unfair that such a terrible thing occurred just as you were enjoying retirement, but you've rallied and beaten it back in short order (with lots of credit due Fletch and Miss Mabel).

    Your skirt looks so pretty, and your sock does, too. And the triptych should hang in a place that will draw a lot of eyes. It's wonderful.

    This heat dome is villainous. I could scarcely stand being in it for the moments it took to go to my car, then to the store, and back to my car again. Carrying in groceries made me feel downright resentful. Ugh. Don't overdo! Stay cool, and it was lovely to hear you're doing so well.

  8. It's wonderful to hear that you are on the mend! You must be very proud of your "caregiver". I've yet to test mine (thank goodness) and it must be a relief to know they can do the job when needed.
    I'm so glad you framed that cactus project because it was always a favorite of mine. I have no idea what it is about them, they just make me happy.

  9. I'm glad you're feeling better and able to post and even grocery shop. The cactus triptyche is beautiful and the framer did a great job. I know the heat has been terrible. We had a day today was cool and in the. 70's today as a front went through. Tomorrow is supposed to be hot and humid again so we've enjoyed the brief respite.
    I'm glad Mabel is being smart and staying close to home and inside at night. I don't trust foxes at all
    I pray that you continue to feel better and better as each day passes.
    Blessings and love,

  10. I'm so glad to hear things are improving! The socks is so pretty and the newly framed stitching looks great-what a good souvenir of love from your son! Keep feeling better and praise Mabel for growing wiser!

  11. I am so glad you are mending quickly, Vera! I am here to give you a pass on catching up and commenting on my blog! Your skirt will go much more quickly once those rows begin to decrease... although you are right, it is still a LOT of knitting! But it will be so worth it in the end! I read Suite Français several years ago and enjoyed it tremendously!

  12. How wonderful to see you back and knitting! The skirt is going to progress quickly now that you're in the stockinette part (with rounds getting smaller) ... and of course that seems like the perfect kind of project to recuperate with!

  13. I am so glad you are doing so well and had a good follow up appointment with your doctor. I do believe animals sense illness. Holly was most concerned about Frodo after he came home from the hospital.

  14. Yay Vera! Happy to hear your doc was pleased with your progress.
    Good thing the power came back. My sister once again, was without for three days. After the last time they got a portable generator and all was well this time. Everyone without couldn't even use a fan in this heat and certainly lost all the perishables. Terrible.

  15. Glad your recovery is going well. That crossstitch is a wonderful souvenir of a vacation!

  16. The framed cross stitch is beautiful. I'm glad you feel as if you are recovering.
