Thursday, June 27, 2024

Chicken With Peaches

 Good Morning!

Whew!  It is HOT here again.  Yesterday my car thermometer registered 102.  That is just nasty.

It was so nice to (finally) get together with Dee again.  We had a nice time and I actually was able to knit 9 more rows on my skirt!!  In the afternoon I picked up my hearing aids and they are wonderful.  Nothing is too loud or annoying.  There are two main things I noticed:  the first was my own voice!  It definitely was a little louder.  The second was the toilet flushing sounded really loud.  LOL. I go back in two weeks for any needed adjustments to the fitting, etc.  Those two things - meeting up with Dee and getting my hearing aids - wore me out though.  I was in bed by 9:30!  LOL

The other day I mentioned that I would be trying a new recipe for chicken with peaches.  It's a winner folks.  Of course I completely forgot to take a picture, but THIS is the recipe I used.  Of course, I did my own thing.  I did not use a cast iron pan (I hate cleaning them) - instead I used a pyrex baking pan which worked fine.  I used boneless, skinless chicken breast rather than thighs because the thighs in the grocery store looked horrible.  I did use the shallots, kale and a couple of peaches.  Also Thyme from our garden.  I cut the large chicken breast into three pieces and there is still one piece left for Fletch to have for lunch.  This came together rather quickly and then baked in the oven.  Easy-Peasy.

We still have a bunch of peaches, so there may be peach pancakes on the menu for breakfast tomorrow...or a peach crostata...or a peach/rhubarb crostata.  Or all of it!

The home health nurse is supposed to come for a check up on me today...but I have yet to hear about a time (they should have called yesterday).  Wishing you all the best Thursday possible.


  1. I'm glad you got to meet up with Dee, knit on your skirt, and love your hearing aids! Dee texted me yesterday afternoon, so I got to meet up with her (and meet Steve) in the afternoon. Unexpected, but quite nice! Thanks for the chicken & peaches recipe. Someday when it's not too hot to use the oven, I'm going to make this one!

  2. I'm glad to hear it was a good (if exhausting) day -- your body is still healing! I also LOLed at the loudness of the toilet flushing. The chicken sounds interesting; not sure if my family would eat it, but it would be worth a try!

  3. I laughed at the toilet flushing as well! (ahh, yes, I remember that well! LOL) Exhaustion after doing fun things is not so bad! (I much prefer that to housework exhaustion...)

  4. Sounds like it was a lovely and successful day for you, Vera. I'm glad.
    Rick said he was shocked at all the things he DIDN'T hear before he got his hearing aids and was now hearing. It was astonishing to him what he had been missing. Like a Whole New World!

    I'm sure your brain was exhausted from processing all that new sound right along with your physical fatigue. It was all worth it, I'll bet.

  5. I’m taking that chicken and peaches dinner to my retreat! That hyper-hearing thing will adjust but initially is a weird thing.

  6. Sounds like what my mom always called a "big day" and all good, too. The chicken recipe sounds great, thank you!

  7. It was SO good to get together.

  8. You will love your hearing aids (I love mine). Mine are synced with my phone, so texts are read to me as they are received - kind of handy.

  9. Boo on the weather - I was hoping you'd get some of the relief we got - we had a couple big storms and now the weather is absolutely perfect - 21C. I wish I wasn't stuck inside working!

  10. Glad things are good for you (albeit hot). Peach chicken sounds great!

  11. We had storms last night that knocked some of the heat and humidity down but what a mess in the yard to clean up this morning.
    I never thought of the adjustment period you must have when you first get hearing aids. It must be interesting.

  12. It was "only" 88 today and it's been wonderful. I hope our cooler weather is headed your way - LOL! also, yay for hearing aids AND a meetup with Dee. life is good!

  13. congrats on the hearing aids and it's nice when you get together with Dee!!

  14. I'm so glad you could get together with Dee again; impressive the HA's worked for you so well! Hearing so well again is stimulating your brain so you might be extra tired these first few days!

  15. I love corned beef and peaches, will check into the chicken (minus the kale).
