Friday, June 28, 2024

New Yarn!! Garden Produce!!

 Good Morning All,

Gosh, the air actually felt a little chilly this morning (early - like 6:00).  That was weird!  Another weird thing?  I completely forgot to put my hearing aids in yesterday.  LOL. My hearing loss is not is very minor.  When I first got up I made coffee, took my meds and supplements, took by blood pressure (good), etc.  I knew I would be jumping in the shower soon, so I did not put them in.  Then I wanted to wait to put them in until after I dried my hair.  Then I was getting ready to run a couple of errands and I just forgot about them.  Today they are IN!!!

Yesterday was a good mail day.  My July yarn from the Farmer's Daughter arrived and it is gorgeous!

Just look at that blue!!  The mini is not bad either.  I've been so pleased with the yarn I have received for 2024 Sock Squad.  Of course, I'm behind in using it all, but that does not matter.

We are finally getting garden produce!!  Fletch went out in the morning to check on things and came back with this:

Our first cucumber and the first cherry tomatoes.  The redder tomato on the right is actually a very (very) small Roma tomato.  We had a salad to go with dinner last night and included these in it.  Delicious!  Fletch mentioned that we have a few yellow squash that are 3-4" long, so it will not be too long before they are ready to pick.  And, with July 4th coming up next week, it is time to harvest the garlic.

Yesterday I managed to finish the patterned leg of sock #2, so it is on to the heel flap and turn and then the foot.  That should go faster than the leg for sure.  I'm planning to get to that today as well as more skirt knitting and, perhaps, some stitching.

Wishing you all a wonderful Friday and the best weekend - enjoy!!


  1. There's nothing like a garden cucumber or tomato. I'd have been tempted to sit down to both harvests with just a shaker of salt!

  2. Love the new yarn! That's not really a surprise, as I will love anything blue. I'm jealous that you are already eating some of your garden produce. I have a couple of snacking peppers and a bunch of cherry tomatoes, but nothing is ripe yet. I did spot a teeny, tiny zucchini yesterday, though!

  3. Ooo! I like that new yarn too! It is really quite lovely! I learned that Loop is carrying a new sock yarn from from Freia and I like the colors! (matching stripe-ish sock cakes with larger color sections) I have tomatoes coming, but none anywhere near ripe! Go you!

  4. There's nothing better than food you grow yourself, I bet your salad was fabulous! Love your new yarn, too. Have a great weekend, Vera!

  5. I'm envious of your garden produce (and your yarn)! We've had snow peas and few beans, but no cucumbers or tomatoes yet. I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

  6. I'm excited for produce from the garden! I've been watching the zucchini plants flowering... grow little zukes!! I haven't been able to grow cucumbers because of the black walnut.

  7. yay for produce!! I love the yarn you got in the mail, I could never knit as fast as a subscription, but that wouldn't be the point, it's to get fun mail!!

  8. The yarn is beautiful but that cucumber is exquisite!! I love homegrown cukes. Store bought are nothing like them.

  9. Oh my gosh that yarn is gorgeous! And so is the produce!

  10. Yummy goods from the garden! I really like the new yarn kit!!!

  11. Wow! I dont even have blooms on my cucumbers yet! I do have tomatoes, but they are still very green!

  12. It will be a long while before we see a tomato of any size. Very slow and spindly growth this year.

  13. Oh boy, that yarn is gorgeous. I love a good blue. I bet you can't wait to cast on something - socks? I picked the first four cucumbers two hours ago. Yum. No tomatoes yet but they are setting onto the vines.
