Saturday, June 15, 2024

An Update

 Hello Everyone!

This will be quick because I am not quite up to blogging yet.  BUT, I wanted first of all to say thank you so very much for all the emails, texts, etc inquiring how I am.  I'm sorry not to have responded to many of you, but I just wasn't up to it.

Long story:  I ended up in the hospital last Saturday (the 8th I think) and discovered I was fighting a very nasty infection.  Like 3 IV antibiotics!  That was healing well (and still is), but my BP spiked while in the hospital and they had a hard time getting it to lower.  I finally came home on Thursday (13th).

Fletch has been wonderful!  And I will be having home health care (nurse) coming in every few days to check the wound, etc.  Per the doctors it will take roughly a month for healing to be complete.  I'm still tired and sleeping lots, but am managing to do a little (very little) knitting and some reading.

One book I read while in the hospital was Summer Solstice - An Essay by Nina MacLaughlin.  I had read "Winter Solstice" by her during December or January and enjoyed it.  I liked "Summer Solstice" so much better!  5 stars and highly recommend (and only 61 pages!!).

I've read some blogs, but not all and haven't commented...I will hopefully get back to that soon.  Not sure how frequently I will post...depends on how I am doing.  Once again, thank you all for checking in on me. Words can't begin to describe how wonderful it was to get your notes.  Thank you!!  Our little blogging world is a wonderful place.


  1. My goodness, Vera! What a terrible saga. I'm glad to hear that you're recovering at home now and taking it easy (and have some expert help). I know you'll do whatever it takes to heal and get fully well--after all, you have a grandchild on the way! Take good care❤️

  2. Oh my! I am so sorry you have been so unwell but also happy that you are on the healing path. Take care of yourself and don’t worry about replying to anything until you are recovered. 🌺

  3. Oh dear, I had no idea it was so serious! I am glad to hear you're back home and recovering. Please don't worry about keeping up with things -- just focus on getting plenty of rest and getting better! I'll be sending all healing thoughts your way.

  4. I’ve been out of the loop and totally missed that you were not well. I’m glad you’re home now and on the mend.

  5. Vera! I'm so happy to get this update and hear that you are home now. We definitely missed you at Read With Us Tuesday night. Rest up, read when you're able, follow the doctor's orders, and let Fletch do all the hard stuff. XOXO

  6. I'm happy to read this update and very glad that you're home! We missed you during the Read With Us Zoom call and I've missed reading your blog, but take care, rest, and heal. I do hope you begin to feel well enough for a little reading, knitting, and stitching!

    1. P.S. Thanks for the Summer Solstice recommendation. I had completely forgotten about this one after I read Winter Solstice but it's now on my Kindle and ready to read before the solstice happens.

  7. Oh, my....what a terrible adventure. I thought you just had a summer cold. I had no idea what you were going through. I am so sorry to hear it. I hope you're on the mend soon.

  8. Oh my goodness I had no idea. Rest up Vera and feel better soon!

  9. Thanks for the update! You've been missed. Take care of yourself; infections are no easy matter to treat. Glad you have home health care coming to keep tabs on the wound, too! Sending a hug!

  10. I'm so sorry that you've been so sick. I, too, thought you just had a cold and then maybe traveled somewhere and I missed it because I've ben a bit sporadic because of houseguests, etc.
    I'm glad to hear that you're on the mend. I'll be adding you to my prayers my friend.
    Blessings and hugs,

  11. Oh, Vera, thank God for this update. What a relief to hear you're home and on the mend. I misunderstood the infection to be a viral infection -- this sounds very, very different... I'm glad you're home with good care from Fletch and the nurse and Mabel (I'll just add her in, because I'm certain of it) -- and we will all be here when you're up to engaging. Rest and recover!

  12. Hope you are feeling better very soon.

  13. I am glad to see this update... you have been in my mind and my heart much these past days. I am sending you even more healing juju and will continue to hold you in my thoughts! And there is no need to respond to any comments... just rest and recover! XOXO

  14. Oh my goodness! I am so sorry you were so ill but so glad you are stable now and healing. Good that home health will be checking on you and hopefully also your BP!! That dosage of antibiotics can certainly affect it. Rest!! We'll be here waiting when you are up to posting.

  15. Oh no! Hope you're on the mend and back to normal soon!

  16. Oh wow! Glad you're taking it easy, and that you have such a great caretaker!! Wishing you swift healing & recovery!

  17. oh my goodness, Vera - so glad you're on the mend, and getting such great care. Best wishes for a speedy recovery!

  18. Missed you, get well soon!

  19. I'm sorry to hear all of this. I'm glad you are home and feeling better. I've been out of town but wondered how you were doing. Take good care. It does take awhile to rebound and recover.
