Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Unraveled Wednesday 6/26/24

 Hello and Good Morning,

Thanks again for all the good wishes for my healing.  I had an excellent visit to the Wound Center yesterday - what a lovely group of people and - BONUS - no waiting at all!  I go back in another 2 weeks.

Our heat is back unfortunately.  Yesterday my car was reading 98 while I was running to CVS in the afternoon.  I hope everyone is staying cool and well hydrated.  

This being Wednesday, it is time to link up with Kat and her Merry Band of Unravelers to talk making and reading.  I do have some knitting to show!  First up, my Shakerag Skirt is growing!!

Sprawled out on Mabel's "ledge" at the front window in my office - LOL.  The rows still seem rather long, but I'm getting through them one by one.

The second Fairy Maiden sock is progressing as well.

Though a very pretty pattern, I doubt I will ever knit this pattern again.  I am continually either adding a stitch or dropping a stitch.  I find it a very fiddly pattern and I will be happy when I finish the leg (2 more pattern repeats) and move on to the heel flap.

Reading is moving along as well.  I finished Suite Francais which was excellent.  I am savoring Amy Tan's "Backyard Bird Chronicles" - just reading a little bit at a time.  I also picked up "Grace (Eventually) Thoughts on Faith" by Anne Lamott which I am finding to be just ok...not great.  Finally, I am now in the queue for "The Ministry of Time" which is the next "Read With Us" selection.

Now for the exciting news:  Dee and I are finally getting together again this morning!!  LOL. It has been weeks and I am so looking forward to catching up with her.  And later in the afternoon I have an appointment to pick up my hearing aids.  A banner day for sure.  Hope your Wednesday is a good one too!


  1. Your skirt has grown quite a bit! I'll bet you'll be wearing it this summer.

    You have a big day today! I hope you have a lovely time with Dee and all goes well getting the hearing aids. Stay cool!

  2. Life is picking up for you - so good to hear. Enjoy your knitting date with Dee.

  3. So many Good Things to report. I know you're feeling better as you recover and get back to Vera Life. A session with Dee will make things seem even more back to normal, I know. Enjoy your new ears, too! I remember Rick getting his and being so thrilled.

  4. It's so wonderful to see you knitting again, Vera! And your Shakerag skirt is going to be just lovely. That color! (And the rows just keep getting shorter now, so that's something to look forward to.) Enjoy your time with Dee. I'll bet you'll have a lot to talk about. XO

  5. The heat is back on this side of the state as well... sigh. I really love the color of your skirt, Vera. Have fun with Dee!! And YAY for hearing aids!

  6. I'm glad you are continuing to heal and getting together with Dee! Your skirt is gorgeous and your socks are lovely, too. Wishing you the best with your hearing aids!

  7. Your skirt is so pretty! It sounds like you've got a great day planned in spite of the heat. I'm getting ready to go downstairs and paint again. Boooo...

  8. Pretty skirt! Enjoy your visit with Dee.

  9. That is a lot of skirt progress! I'm excited to get started on mine one of these days!

  10. Looks like knitting is a regular part of your day again and I think that's terrific. I'm also happy that the wound center visit went well and that you are getting to meet up with Dee today! I look forward to hearing (see what I did there? LOL) about your experience with hearing aids, too.

  11. Was good to meet up today. Thank you for the gnomes AND Tina Turner.

  12. I am so glad you are doing well, that was scary. Love that you have your projects and your meetups with Dee. Life is very good!

  13. Your shakerag color is gorgeous—this week’s photo shows the blue with a little more green in it than previously shown.
    So glad your would care team is tops. Such a big part of the healing process. Hopefully you don’t have to deal with a wound vax—but if so, a first-class team makes all the difference.
    Bet you enjoyed time with Dee today!! The gift of [extra]ordinary time 🤍

  14. Glad you are doing better. I must have missed a post somewhere. I thought you were sick when you were in the hospital, not a wound! Oh my goodness. I really am glad you're doing well and can go visit with Dee.
    Your skirt is growing nicely now and the socks are beautiful although I can see where the pattern could be fiddley.

  15. Oh, I see great progress has been made on your skirt! Bravo! I'm so glad you had a good report from the wound center! The socks is a beauty!
