Thursday, December 7, 2023

I'm Back! 12/7/23

 Hello there!

My two days off from work and away from the computer were WONDERUFL!  Just what the doctor ordered.  Yes, I missesd catching up with all of you and letting you know what I was doing, but it was SO good to not turn on the computer.  (I will be paying for that later work-wise...but so what!)

There was no stitching done and only a very little knitting.  I did manage to read some.  Also, I wrapped gifts that need to be shipped out (and boxed them up).  Only a little bit more to be done in that department.  I did do a lot of cooking!  One night I made a Quiche Lorraine.  I did add some kale and spinach along with mushrooms and onions.

There is lots left over too for lunches or another dinner.

Fletch loves apple fritters, but is always complaining about how there are so few apple pieces in the ones he buys.  Yesterday morning when I got up, I baked him some apple fritter bread!  I'm sorry I forgot to take a picture of the loaf, but the house smelled wonderful and the bread turned out pretty well too.  I used THIS RECIPE but did not put the glaze on it.  An easy and simple recipe that turned out tasty.

After baking the bread, I ran out to get my haircut.  And, it was snowing!!  At first just flurries and then it was coming down like crazy and was so pretty.  Nothing stuck around and by the afternoon it was over, but it was lovely to see the snow.

New haircut and new glasses!!

With snow in the air, it seemed like the perfect day to make some soup for dinner.  I had everything in the frig and on my pantry shelves to make Curried Shrimp and Potato Chowder.  

I whipped up some biscuits to go with this.

This is another very easy recipe that I have made a lot.  If anyone is interested in the recipe, let me know and I will e-mail it to you.  Again, plenty left over for lunches and/or another dinner.  During dinner we listened to one of my favorite CDs for the Season:

And now my friends, it is back to the grind for moi.  My work in-box is showing a ton of new emails (hoping that many can just be deleted...), so I'd best hop to it.

Have a great Thursday!


  1. Your haircut looks fabulous! Glad you enjoyed your days offline. I hope the inbox is easily dealt with and you can move on to more pleasurable things.

  2. I'm glad you had such a rejuvenating two days off and hope you can delete most of the emails and enjoy another good day! Your haircut and glasses look great and you look wonderful!

  3. Your haircut (and new glasses) look wonderful! I hope your two days off will be enough to carry you through the next two days (with lots of emails that can be deleted!)

  4. Your haircut and new glasses look great on you. I think next eye appointment I'm going to need to get new glasses too.
    Gosh your meals look wonderful. The fritter bread sounds delicious. I feel the same as Fletch. They never put enough apples in those things.
    I hope your inbox empties quickly and that work will be calm for you.

  5. You look great with your new haircut and glasses! I'm glad you enjoyed your time away from the computer, sounds like you made some yummy food, too!

  6. Good golly...I do love your hair! What a beautiful color. You glow in the light.
    I have that CD too. I have almost all of hers and I used to listen to them all the time. Crazy but true....I have a hard time now because my dear departed parrot loved her music and could mimic her voice so well as she sung along. It gives me the willies to hear her now. I sure miss that bird.

  7. Those glasses are perfect for you and the hair is perfection!

  8. Terrific photo of you and your new look. Very attractive.

    I love Loreena McKennitt. How did I miss a Cmas album of hers?

  9. hi I have just discovered your blog, thank you I find it a lovely read. Robyn Australia

  10. oh Vera, LOVE the new cut and the glasses - fresh shapes, and I think I can see your beautiful face better. yay you! I take a lot of time away from my computer ... yes, it means I'm slow about some things, but my brain and my heart are better for it.

  11. Very flattering hair! Like the glasses too. I have a hard time finding frames that sit evenly on my crooked bridge.
    I make slim apple wedges to dip into the batter for fritters. Hope to make a pie tomorrow, lots of appointments in the way.
    Why did I think you were retiring before year's end?

  12. Wonderful new eyeglasses and haircut!!!! That's a nice pick-me-up! I'm glad the few days off gave you a good rest!

  13. The new haircut and glasses really are flattering. I’m happy that you took some time away from the computer and work to recharge - it’s important to do that.

  14. Love the glasses Vera and haircuts are always the best. Beautiful photo of you too. Sounds like you had a wonderful time away from work, good for you. I am looking forward to my time off the first of the new year, it’s needed. Enjoy your day and enjoy listening to more of Loreena McKennitt, I love her music !

  15. love your haircut and glasses! I was off the computer when we had the company and it was nice to be off. I'm glad you had time off!!

  16. Digital breaks are SO good for the soul! I'm glad you were able to take some refreshing and rejuvenating time away from your computer. (I usually take the weekends off, and I never regret it.) Speaking of rejuvenation . . . I am loving your haircut and new glasses! What a lovely, fresh look for you! XO

  17. Even though you were "off" sounds like it was busy! Haircut looks great!

  18. Lovely haircut and that quiche! Now I know what we will have for dinner.

  19. Great haircut and new glasses besides. Sometimes we just need the hair trimmed and shaped. Your bread sounds delicious. My laptop is in the shop being cleaned up and repaired so I am struggling with comments. I am still here and still reading.

  20. Your new haircut is very nice, and the glasses suit you. I would like the recipe for the curried shrimp soup. Thank you! constancecornellATgmail. Thanks again!
