Monday, December 28, 2020



Well, That was a lengthy break...and I think I needed it.  I may still need it - lol.  Last night I went to bed...woke up at 1:45 (heard the clock chime, so I know what time it was) and never got back to sleep!  I'm feeling a bit fuzzy.  However, the sunrise today was simply spectacular!

It did not last long at all - maybe a couple of minutes and then it was gone.  Then it turned grey and ugly looking and there was a bit of snow and rain.  But, eventually the sun came out and it is a pretty afternoon.  If I only had more energy I'd go for a walk or do a little archery...but today I am lazy.

So how was your holiday?  Ours was so nice.  We are fortunate to be able to spend time with Colin & Mailing and also Mailing's parents and sister.  We see them regularly, so are comfortable getting together with them.

Christmas Eve found us at Colin & Mailing's for dinner and opening "stocking stuffers."  Dinner was amazing.  Colin made crab cakes (98% crab meat and 2% filler - saltines and spices).  Mailing made some of the best potatoes I've had in a long time.  And there were green beans with almonds to go with...and Mailing made a Black Forest Cake.  Oh my!

Talbot sported a pretty ribbon around his neck:

Marcel sulked because of the attention Talbot was getting!  He (Marcel) stayed under a chair for some time.  LOL

Dusty floor and furniture tag hanging down - hahaha.

And then the rains started.  Holy crap!  what a lot of rain.  And the winds were fierce.  We drove home in it and found a little bit of water in our basement.  C&M ended up with 4" or so in their basement.

Fletch and I hung out a bit at home Christmas morning and then headed over to Mailing's parents house.  We had brunch (amazing) and then opened gifts (too many).  After that everyone except the Dad's headed out to Valley Forge Park for a walk.  Christmas Eve saw temps in the 60's, but by Christmas afternoon it was in the 20's and the wind was still roaring.  We walked about 10 minutes  - that was it!  My face felt like it was frozen stiff.  We drove back home, played several games of Deception which was fun - like Clue, but different.  Then Bonnie (Mailing's Mom) got started with dinner.  We made dumplings (of course) and then there was just a ton of food.  Shrimp, veggies, pickles, calamari, beef, pork ribs, and on and on and on!

Fletch and I waddled out of there and were home a little after 9 p.m.  I say this every time we all get together, but we are so fortunate to enjoy each other's company.  I know not everyone enjoys their children's in-laws, but we do!!

Our weekend was relaxing.  I've done a little knitting and a bit of cooking and I've been reading.  There is a work project that I need to get started on, but so far today I've pretty much ignored work.  I think tomorrow I've got to dig in (hopefully after a bit of sleep!!).

I've enjoyed being off the computer.  I've read a couple of blogs on my phone, but mostly I've been off line which my eyes have enjoyed.

I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday.  Not sure when I will check in again, so for now I will say Happy New Year!  Cheers to 2021 - I'm hopeful for the new year.


  1. Happy to hear you had a restful holiday (other than last night) and that you were able to celebrate with family and good food. Nothing wrong with having a lazy day because you’ve been going nonstop for a long time.

  2. What a relaxing and enjoyable holiday you had! I may need a mid-afternoon snack after reading about all that delicious food. I think work can wait until tomorrow (hopefully after a good night's sleep). Wishing you and Fletch all the best in the New Year!

  3. Sounds like a lovely time with extended family!

  4. Oh, that cake!!!! My mom always made me a Black Forest cake for my birthday. I haven't thought of them in ages. They are so good.

  5. Looks like a fun holiday - and that cake! Black Forest is my favourite!

  6. Sounds like you had a wonderful few days! Black Forest Gateau is my favourite, it looks heavenly!
    I found you whilsst blog hopping, be lovely to see you over on mine at

  7. That cake... wow! It looks amazing! Wishing you and Fletch a restful week! :)

  8. It sounds like you've had a lovely holiday and I'm so glad. The food. Oh my goodness. I'm full just thinking about it all but it sounds so good. I'm glad you get along so well with Mailing's parents. We also love being with our SIL's parents and get together several times each time we're back in Omaha. We're hopeful with Tara's parents in London too. They seem to be very nice with similar interests to us.
    We had lots of snow this weekend and another 8-10 is forebast for Wednesday and then each day through New Years day. Yuck.
    I blogged every day in November and Dec 1-25. I'm still reading blogs but taking a bit of a break from blogging for another day or so myself. I have new lenses for my glasses coming around January 6. It's taking forever. One guess as to the delay? Yep. Covid. I can't wait to be able to see clearing again.
    Take care Vera and stay warm.

  9. You had about the best holiday of anyone I know! So nice to be able to have a relatively big bubble. It's just Keith and I, but we enjoy our quiet time together. Still, I'm hoping for a more social holiday by next year!

  10. You are very fortunate to have such nice people become part of your family. And to be excellent cooks! My husband does not like the variety. Meat, potato, veggie, dessert. Boom.

    We're getting snow and bad winds right now. Not even January and I've had enough.

    I haven't been doing a lot of blog reading either. Whenever you see this, happy new year!

  11. Sounds like a delicious and warm family time. My daughter and family weathered the Christmas Eve rainstorm also. whew. A break is nice. Happy New Year.

  12. Hello, Vera!
    Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas with family and the in-laws. The food sounds delicious. We had the same rain and cold wind. Take care, enjoy your day!

  13. While you say you were having a rest, it sounds to me like you kept pretty busy with celebrating! It certainly seems like it was a lovely holiday -- you really are lucky to have in-laws you get along with so well and can get together with regularly (and who feed you such delicious food!). I hope you have a lovely end to your year!

  14. Sounds like a great rest although sorry about the early wake up. Why are those lovely sunrises so short?

  15. Beautiful sunrise, beautiful cake, beautiful family, beautiful holiday. Who could ask for more?

  16. *:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*~*:._.:*:._.:*
      *H*A*P*P*Y* *N*E*W* *Y*E*A*R*!*

  17. So glad to see the great time you had for Christmas! Good times.

  18. How wonderful all of it sounds! And every time I read about you eating dumplings, I wish I had a bunch of them myself. :-)

  19. I am glad you were able to enjoy your family! That cake, oh my goodness. you are amazing happy new year

  20. Im unknown for some reason, kathy b

  21. Well, now I know that I'm definitely feeling better because all of the food you describe sounds DELICIOUS!! I must now what Mailing did to make those amazing sounding potatoes! (One of my favorite foods.) What a lovely Christmas you had. I'm looking forward to our belated celebration (and hugging grandkids) on Saturday!

  22. Your Christmas sounds delicious. Happy New Year!

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