Friday, December 11, 2020

Friday Brings a Finish!

 Good Morning!

It's 25 degrees out there.  31 years ago there was snow on the ground.  I remember because it was 31 years ago that I was in Bryn Mawr Hospital.  Colin was born just after midnight on 12/11/89.  Funny story:  my due date was 12/7 (Pearl Harbor Day), and my friend Leslie said oh will have your baby on 12/11.  Exactly 12 years prior Leslie was pregnant with a due date of 12/7.  Her daughter, Jaimie, was born on 12/11.  Our family has so many birthdays on 12/11:  Colin, my niece Vera in CO, my brother's partner Sammy, Fletcher's Grandfather.  A popular day!

Meanwhile, this Friday brings with it a finish:

I do love the way these turned out and I think Anna will like them too.  The mitts knit up so quickly, I almost wish there were some other people to knit mitts for!  LOL  Instead, I plan to cast on the YinYang Kitty socks for Mailing today.

My usual 10 a.m. conference call is still on for today, but other than that there is nothing (at the moment) on my work agenda.  Fletch says he has some errands to run, so I may try to wrap some of his gifts while he is out of the way.  And maybe some other gifts too.  I'd also like to get the bathrooms cleaned and I have been ignoring the kitchen floor, but it is time to tackle that.  

We plan to have a fire tonight as it is supposed to be fairly mild today and our winds have died down.  Fletch is going to get our tree this weekend, so I guess there will be some decorating going on as well.  And, of course, I'd like to get some baking (cookies) done.

Let's not forget to relax!  I'd like to have a relaxing weekend and I hope you all do as well.


  1. That is a lovely set! I always think sending someone knit items is a bit like sending them a hug. Happy birthday to Colin!

  2. Your finished headband and mitts are lovely and I bet Ann will be very happy to receive them. I'm glad your work agenda isn't too full; it sounds like you have plenty of other things planned. Wishing Colin a very Happy Birthday (and you a Happy Colin's Birthday; you did all the work)!

  3. beautiful finish and a super lovely gift!!!happy birthday C!!!!

  4. It sounds like a lovely weekend, Vera! Enjoy! And happy birthday to Colin!
    (I have a similar birth-date story. When I was pregnant with Erin, my due date was near a good friend's birthday. She always teased that I'd wait to have my baby on her birthday. And . . . I did! Nine months later, she was due with her first baby very near MY birthday. We joked a LOT about how she'd need to have her baby on my birthday. AND . . . SHE DID! It was such an amazing coincidence that we would both have our babies on each others' birthdays!)

  5. wow--those are long mitts and you knit them in a flash! Have fun tonight!

  6. Hello,

    It is a pretty set, the headband and mitts are a lovely gift. Happy Birthday to Colin! It is cold out, I thought we we supposed to have some warm weather move in. At least it is sunny. Take care, have a happy weekend!

  7. Today is DIL's birthday and she just gave birth to my latest baby Grand yesterday. My birthday is on the 16th and I had Oldest Son on the 17th who had his first born on the 21st. His wife's birthday is the 19th. Whew....when we all can get together again we will have to have one BIG December birthday celebration!

  8. Oh, I'd love a set like that! Anyone would. They are very forties and so elegant, yet practical. Nicely done. And the yarn is pretty, too.

  9. Happy Birthday to Colin! Isn't that funny how things stick in your memory? Ali was born on April 16th and that year it was a very unusual 70F! I'll never forget. We just had a few days of very mild temps & weather -- the last we'll see this year, I'm sure. Enjoy it while you can!!

  10. Happy, Happy birthday to Colin! Our Alex was born on Pearl Harbor Day and lives in Japan. What are the odds of that. He was due the 15th.
    I hope you have a wonderful relaxing weekend. Once you get that bit of cleaning done, it sounds like you have lots of fun Christmasy things planned.
    That set turned out lovely and I'm sure she will appreciate them too. I hope to finish the Christmas sweater today, but then, I said that yesterday. For some reason I keep getting distracted.

  11. By now, your weekend has started. I hope the evening is perfect for lighting a fire. It’s been snowing all day, so I’ve been sitting by the tree and have a fireplace video playing on the TV. Love the headband and mitts!

  12. Happy Birthday to Colin (and all your other 12/11s!!).

    The mitts and headband are lovely!

  13. *H*A*P*P*Y* * *B*I*R*T*H*D*A*Y*!*!*!* to Colin! The headband and mitts turned out divine, lucky recipient! Have a lovely and restful weekend. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

    ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉
    *M*E*R*R*Y* *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*
    ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉ ❉

  14. That is quite a list for the weekend. Maybe insert "relax" more than once. The headband and mitts are lovely. Happy Birthday to Colin. The memories of those birth dates are big ones for a Mom and Dad. Enjoy.

  15. Vera, your plans sound great. If I like a pattern like the mitts, i'll just make them. Seems one day I always find the right person for them! I love the headband. Saturday was a blur of activity here. After the snow stopped we had to go drive thru Walgreens. I got the trees from the crawl space. Fireman s back was bothering him and I didn't want him carrying stuff. We cut our hair, ! Helping each other out. And we got the trees up with just lights. Skipping the ornaments this year. I finished my mittens and am working on a matching cowl. I love the season even if I cannot see my kiddos. we are all together!
