Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Unraveled Wednesday 12/16/20

 Well Good Morning!

I'm off to a later than normal start today - I slept until 7:30!!!  I was up around 5 a.m. with Tyg who wanted to go out (after letting me watch him eat a little bit - lol) and I wasn't sure I would get back to sleep, but the next thing I knew it was 7:30.  So, I'm a bit groggy still only having had about 1/4 cup of coffee so far.  It's a chilly morn here (23) and our snow should start in a little bit...and go on all the rest of the day and night.

More baking was accomplished yesterday.  another batch of those yummy pecans and also a batch of the roasted almonds tossed with EVOO, rosemary and garlic.  And I made another batch of cookies.  These are the Italian Sesame Seed cookies flavored with anise (the Chinese version of sesame cookies is very similar but flavored with almond extract).  They really are just like a butter cookie rolled in sesame cookies.  They are good, but the anise flavor is not strong enough for moi - next time I would add more (unless with flavor increases as they sit a day or two).

I have butter out to soften so that today I can make a batch of molasses cookies and a batch of sand tarts (cut out).    The sand tarts take a bit of time - rolling out the dough, cutting it out and decorating them, but they are some of my favorite cookies.  I think once those two batches are baked, that will be enough of a variety to share with everyone.

Yesterday saw me finish the heel flap and turn the heel on the first YinYang Kitty Sock for Mailing.

I'm using left over scraps of yarn.  These will be (obviously) shortie socks which Mailing prefers.  Hopefully that means I can get both finished by Christmas.  It's been a little bit of time since I did any Intarsia knitting, so I'm betting that will slow me down a little bit.

Not a whole lot going on reading-wise.  Fletch and I started a new book  a day or two ago about a couple who go to Africa in the 70s to conduct some research.  So far it is holding our attention.  I have a pile of books on my nightstand from the library.

Fletch was able to get more lights yesterday (Target!!) - some more for outside and the other half for the top of our tree.  Now we just need to get the ornaments up from the basement and decorate it!  I'm a lot more relaxed about this than I was years and years ago.  No need to do it ALL at once!  LOL

If you read Dee's Blog you know that Yarnings, a local yarn shop in Skippack is closing.  As I told Dee, it's definitely not my favorite store by a long shot, but I am sorry to hear that they are closing. of right now everything is 45% off!  I don't know when their last day is and I'm not sure how long there will be decent stock, but I "may need" to get over there on Saturday!  In addition to all the sock yarns I love, they usually have had a very good selection of yarn from Rowan.  I certainly don't NEED anything, but that has not stopped me in the past.  

As usual, linking up with Kat for Unraveled Wednesday.  Be sure to check out her blog to see what she and others are making and reading.  There is ALWAYS inspiration!


  1. I smile every time I see that yarn bowl....I have one just like it, although the little bird on mine has had to be glued!!!

  2. Shortie socks are such fun because they're like knitting the fastest part of the sock, at least for me (the legs of socks always seem to take forever and then they seem to zoom as soon as I get to the heel).

    Enjoy your cookie baking!

  3. Just think of the yarn acquisitions as buying ahead for next year's gifts! lol

  4. Mmmmmmm....those cookies sound delicious. I haven't made a single one. I keep saying I am going to but like putting up my tree I never can work up any enthusiasm.

  5. Hello,
    It just started snowing here. It is a very light snow, little flakes. The yarn sale sounds like a must, hopefully they will have some you like. The cookies look delicious! Take care, have a happy day!

  6. Those kitty anklets just fly! You'll have them done in no time!

  7. my only local yarn store closed over a year ago. However a new one sprouted up in a neighboring town, who knows when I will see it!

  8. The cookies look yummy. I haven't baked anything because although I have three ovens in here, none bake quite right. (microwave/convection, regular propane oven, toaster oven). The toaster oven is the best temperature-wise, but it's so tiny. I don't need to eat all of the goodies anyway and I know I would be the one eating them.
    Wish I was close enough to check out your yarn store. It's too bad about it closing though.
    Have a great day Vera. I hope the snow isn't too deep.

  9. I think you must be a baker with good self-control! If I had delicious cookies and nuts sitting around my house for more than a day, I'm sure I'd be tempted to eat "just one" and soon they would all be gone. You do need a trip to Skippack on Saturday as a reward for not eating all the cookies!

  10. I bought cookies this year rather than baking. I just wasn’t up to the fuss and mess. Yarn keeps, so if you find a good deal then stock up! Enjoy your baking (I ❤️ molasses cookies)

  11. Catching up! Thanks for the pecan recipe. I love the sugared walnuts but never tried other nut recipes. And anything with sesame so will check those out too. I have a lot of anise seeds and like them much better than the oil. Biscotti! Oh Vera I think you started something.

    45% off is such a deal, needed or not! Our Michael's is closingmm Altmeyers, and a few others.

  12. It makes me sad to hear of another yarn store closing. But your baking, oh my! Those cookies look so yummy!

  13. Looks like the baking and nut-making is going well. There will be some delicious treats at your house. Sad to hear of another yarn store closing. This is a tough time for small businesses for sure. Stay warm in all of your snow.

  14. You're a busy bee! I still have not baked a cookie but truly intend to bake some ginger snaps/cookies. A family favorite. We're in charge of a turkey dinner and Kristi is bringing a lemon cheesecake and a special cake. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

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    *M*E*R*R*Y* *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*
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  15. You are treating your loved ones to cookies!!! I got a gift of cookies from my pal In LA today. Oh I love them. Rosemary and Fennel. YUM

  16. So much cooky-baking! I wish I could benefit from it. I don't bake anymore because we don't eat a great deal of cookies and the like, and it's just us. The kids are trying to cut down, too.

    And I used to bake for an entire day for Christmas! I'd even take the day off work.

    I'm squeezing in a last-minute stack of dishcloths for a friend who just moved into a new apartment and requested them. And I'm wrapping now, too. See--no time to bake. ;)

  17. I haven't baked a thing this year! I'll probably whip up a few batches of family favorites over the weekend. (Usually I bake like a whirlwind for our solstice party, but this year? No party, no baking. . . ) Have fun with your tree! And, yeah. You better check out the yarn clearance!!!

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