Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Unraveled Wednesday 01/15/20

Good Morning!

Despite the grey weather (rain overnight), I can tell that the sun is rising a tiny bit earlier each day...and setting a little later each day as well.  Slowly but surely our daylight hours are steadily increasing.  It is still pretty mild here (40's this a.m. and 50's predicted for later today), but I think this may be the end of our Spring-like weather.  I saw some teens forecast for next week (overnight...not during the day).

So, here we are mid-month already!  Linking up with Kat for this Unraveled Wednesday edition.  Yes, there has been unraveling this week.  I believe the head/ear band has been unraveled at least 3 times!  Luckily it is a small piece (only 26 stitches across).  A pattern is finally working.  Simpler is better.  The initial attempts I had were way too complicated for the tiny space and for the yarn.  I cast on again yesterday and this is where I am:

Just a simple two cable pattern.  This is the 100% Alpaca yarn I received at Christmas.  So soft.  It will feel wonderful against my ears when the cold weather returns.  I hope to finish this quickly as we will be seeing Mailing's parents next week (they gave me the yarn) to celebrate the Chinese New Year (Yay - dumplings!!).

I had also cast on socks and decided on a new-to-me pattern from a book I have.  But alas, that was not working well.  The pattern involves crossing stitches (not cabling, but rather knitting stitches out of order).  I need to practice!  My stitches were so tight that I could barely move them on the needles.  So, that was all ripped out and I have yet to cast on again.  Both project bags have come to work today, but I think I will concentrate on the headband to get that finished up. 

On the reading front, I'm about 100 pages into Fever and am enjoying it.  Lots to think about with this book - treatment of immigrants (and how that hasn't changed a whole lot...), treatment of women (ditto in some regards), medicine, etc.  I'm looking forward to our discussions in February.  Also received notice yesterday that my Overdrive hold for Inland came through so I've downloaded that.  Not started yet, but looking forward to this one.

And here is my Amaryllis as of this morning:

Some spent blooms and some recently opened.  Still beautiful!

Wishing you all a beautiful finish to this week!


  1. I can relate to the unraveling...sometimes it is the path we go down until we figure things out! That amaryllis is full of blooms still-wow, to that!

  2. I unraveled a sock late yesterday as well - it was just too large. Your amaryllis is just so cheery! :)

  3. I think unraveling is a part of knitting! Your headband is a lovely color and the pattern looks like it's working well. Enjoy your lovely amaryllis (and dumplings!)

  4. I never got an amaryllis this year but love seeing them. My bulbs outside were starting to come up last week. Now they are buried under a foot of snow. Send some of that temperature our way!

  5. I love having amaryllis blooms at this point in the season. Even though the weather has been mild this winter, it's dark and cold and blooming flowers add so much joy. I love your juxtaposition of new blooms and spent blooms! XO

  6. The headband is lovely! I do love alpaca yarn - so soft!
    It's funny that mention the lighter days - I just noticed it yesterday too. It feels good!

  7. Alpaca is a luscious fiber to knit and so warm to wear. I'm glad you found a pattern that works with your beautiful lavender gift yarn.

  8. That alpaca yarn is gorgeous and I really like the pattern you've come up with. Now to get it done before the cold returns. :-)
    Ripping out is not a fun part of knitting but I guess it's a necessary part of it isn't it?

  9. what a pretty knit! Alpaca is so soft but slippery and I tend to lose stitches that way.

  10. I think your headband is absolutely fabulous and can't wait to see it done. Will you model it for us? I have some alpaca that I want to use to make a new hat for me but my blanket project is taking front burner. Have a great weekend! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  11. I started to read a few pages of FEVER. I love stories like that. I loved listening to Patient Zero podcasts!

  12. I love this iteration of the alpaca cabled headband- it's going to be so cozy! Look forward to your thoughts on Inland. It didn't make this year's TBR, but there's still room - I've sure heard a lot about it!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I like the purple yarn in the headband. I am glad it is working out. I like alpaca yarn as it is very warm. Perfect for your project.

  15. Hello, I like your headband and the pretty color. The amaryllis are so pretty! I saw we may have temps at night in the teens next week, burr! I currently have 3 books TBR from Overdrive, plus some from Unlimited Kindle. Enjoy your day, have a great weekend ahead!

  16. I'm looking forward to discussing FEVER! I hope I'm finished in time (should be close). Pretty headband!

  17. Beautiful headband.

    My stitches when trying something new are also way too tight. I get very tense, trying to be correct and learn as I go. It's good to know it's not just a Me Thing.

  18. I do hate having to rip back on something. Hope the headband is going better now. You are definitely a master sock knitter! Love that last finished pair, and good on you for starting another.
