Monday, May 13, 2019

What Month Is This???

Good Morning!

It is grey and wet and in the 40's.  That was our weather all day yesterday too.  It feels like March!

Saturday was beautiful though (until the evening).  I went out early to one of my favorite walking places - along the canal and walked 3.25 miles.  There were a number of people out on the trail at 8:30, but there was not much wild life.  I saw a few geese and one giant turtle.  (Also, the skeleton on the bench was still there - lol.)  We did some grocery shopping and late afternoon headed over to Colin & Mailing's.  Dinner was wonderful:

Mussels and fries.  There was also a salad with garden lettuce.

Toasted pecan cake (Smitten Kitchen) - SO GOOD!!

We sat outside for a little bit and had a very small fire, but soon it started raining.

Sunday morning Fletch and I *tried* to go to breakfast.  First we went to our favorite diner and discovered it has gone out of business😟.  We tried another place and it was so crowded and noisy that we left.  The third place was so busy we couldn't get a parking space.  We came home and I cooked bacon and eggs - lol.  The rest of the day I spent cooking and cleaning.  It was pouring rain and cold, so not a good day to be out and about anyway.  I had to clean the guestroom as my friend Leslie is driving up from NC at the end of the week!!  We have been friends for over 50 years.  She's coming up for the party Colin & Mailing are throwing next Saturday (combination house warming and engagement party).

I did manage to start a new pair of socks!

Fun yarn.  It is 100% superwash Baah La Jola and the colorway is "Grapefruit Sangria."  So summery, isn't it?  The pattern I'm doing is Down the Rabbit-Hole - a free pattern on Ravelry.  Usually I knit the ribbing as K2, P2, but this time I'm following the pattern and K1 tbl, P1.  I've done 10 rows...another 5 and I'll see what I think.

On the reading front, Fletch and I finished The Black Tulip by Alexandre Dumas (so good - very humorous in places) and started "Mysterious Island" by Jules Verne.  We enjoyed "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea" so much last year, we've decided to read another by Verne.

Hoping everyone had a great weekend (and better weather than we had/have).


  1. I don't usually eat breakfast, but I'm quite hungry going after seeing photos of Colin's delicious dinner of mussels, fries, and cake! I'll be ready next Monday in case you post pictures from the party. Love those cheerful socks!

  2. Fun weekend!
    We always stay away from restaurants on Mother's Day....waaaay too crazy!

  3. We had an amazing weekend! It was low 80's and sunshine but that is supposed to change beginning tomorrow. Rain and low 60's but that's okay. The grass and flowers all need it.
    We went to church and then to lunch at a favorite mexican restaurant with some friends. Surprisingly it wasn't busy at all. Maybe because of the good weather people were barbequing instead? Now I'm back at the lake for another day or two.
    Have fun with your friend. Aren't longtime friendships wonderful? You can just be yourself with no expectations. Have a wondeful day!

  4. This weather is the pits. I think I'm growing mushrooms. Ugh. Ugh. Ugh.

  5. I love the look of twisted rib on socks! LOVE that yarn!

  6. Wow you had a good walk! I have to bring the step o meter thingy to the barn to see how far I walk on Mondays and Tuesdays. Trotting today next to a huge percheron was a real task. Still our rider had fun!

  7. I think our weather made its way to you (sorry!) ... but it certainly looks like you made the best of it. I love all the socks you're knitting. (and the yummy food). vicariously, M.

  8. You see so much wildlife when you walk. I mostly see robins and squirrels.
    Your breakfast adventure sounds very frustrating! I hate it when my favorite restaurants go out of business -- and it happens all too often.
    I love that yarn. It is very summery!

  9. That's a real beauty of a sock yarn! I look forward to seeing it grow!
    Gotta laugh over your b'fast adventures!

  10. Rain and forties, rain and fifties, rain rain rain. This has been the soggiest, coolest Spring in NEO ever. I have had to run the furnace! COME ON, ALREADY!

    I love the colourway of that yarn. So pretty.

  11. feels like winter here as well, I am COLD. lovely yarn and it's a bright spot in these dreary days.

  12. That lovely yarn would brighten any dreary and rainy day - I ❤️ it!

  13. I like to walk on the trails too. Our gray rainy weather moved through and the weekend weather was lovely. Sunny but not too warm. I like that bright sock yarn. I'm off to go look up the pattern.
