Friday, May 31, 2019

39 and Mud!

Good Morning!

Whew it was rainy yesterday - torrents came down on my way home.  But, it eventually stopped, Colin came over and grilled hamburgers for us and then suggested a walk.  He wanted to go on the River Trail in Valley Forge Park, so we headed over there.  The trail was very wet and muddy and then this happened:

Yup - I ended up slipping and sitting down...hard.  It was gross.  Luckily Colin had some cardboard in his car and I was able to sit on that and keep the seat of his car clean.  My phone was covered in mud and now I can't seem to charge it, so I guess I'll be stopping at the Verizon store this afternoon.  My little finger is swollen and bruised, but other than that I'm fine.  I showered as soon as we got home and then the clothes went in the washer.  All the mud came out😊

Meanwhile, here we are 39 years ago:

(Oh that hat!!).  No special plans to celebrate our anniversary...just more of the same wedded bliss - lol.  Really, it's been great and here's to many more years together.

This year we have two pairs of nesting wrens!  The first is in a bird house hanging on a branch of our apple tree:

And the second is in a gourd hanging on our patio:

Look at all those little twigs sticking out!  And now there is more than one hole in the gourd (they have a front and a back door!!).

Wrens have nested in both places in prior years much to Tyg's enjoyment.  Neither one is a particularly safe place - Tyg climbs the apple tree all the time and just under the gourd is a large trashcan for yard waste - Tyg often jumps onto that and from there it is an easy reach to the gourd.  I'm hoping that both families survive.

I'm looking forward to the weekend.  We have plans to meet Colin & Mailing for breakfast tomorrow (within walking distance from their home) and then walk over to the Farmers' Market.  We have some errands to run after that and Colin is going to grill some lunch for us.  It will be nice to hang with them a bit.  And Sunday Dee and I are going to meet up!  Finally!!  We haven't gotten together in about a month, so it will be good to catch up (and perhaps have a little retail therapy??).

Wishing you all a wonderful weekend - enjoy!!


  1. Oh, no! NOt a fall! We aren't as limber as we used to be, you know!
    I'm glad you didn't break anything! We have wrens nesting everywhere-tons of started nests in all of my hanging plants and potted ones, too!

  2. So sorry about your fall (and your phone)! I also hope the wrens survive. We always lose babies to raccoons, so I didn't even put the bird houses out this year. I just couldn't bear to watch them grow and then mourn them just when they were getting ready to fledge. Happy Anniversary and I hope you have a great weekend!

  3. Oh, hell. I fell last year, so I sympathize. That's what we get for exercising.

    I love your wedding hat. I remember when they were The Thing.

    We have hanging Boston Ferns on our front porch, and every day I check for nests. I lose more hanging baskets that way because I defer to the birds and stop watering until the babies leave. This year, I vow to clear out early nesting material and save the ferns.

  4. Oh, no!!! How terrible. Mud is as bad as ice.
    Your wedding photo is lovely. You were a very beautiful bride and yes...I remember those hats. They were quite the thing back then.

  5. Happy anniversary! I've fallen in my share of mud as well. I feel your muddy pain.

  6. Your wedding hat looks fabulous & I love that photo of you and Fletch. Happy Anniversary! Sorry to hear about your fall and glad Colin was with you at the time. Enjoy your weekend.

  7. As the Queen of Falling, I have to say that I'm glad you did a messy job of it rather than a BIG one. :-)

    Happy Anniversary! I hope you have many more years of happy times coming your way.

  8. I love your wedding photo. You both look so happy. Congratulations and HaPpY AnNiVeSaRy!
    You are SO lucky to be able to spend so much fun with Mailing and Colin. What I wouldn't give to have family so close to visit so often. BUT, I'm so sorry that you fell on your walk. I know what that feels like. I'm so glad that you didn't hurt yourself more and hope your phone can be resurrected.
    I hope you and Dee have a blast together. I know you will. I'm looking forward to seeing the new yarn you'll find.

  9. Happy anniversary to you and Fletch! XO You look so happy and beautiful together! (I love the hat.) I'm so sorry about your tumble -- what my sister and I refer to as a "slip-slidin-away" moment. I'm glad that you're okay -- and that your phone took the brunt of the damage. Enjoy your weekend!

  10. Congratulation on 39 years -- and especially 39 happy years! That is an accomplishment these days.
    I am so jealous of how close your son lives to you. Neither of my children want to live through Wisconsin winters.
    And it's great that you didn't break or sprain anything in your fall!

  11. Happy anniversary!! What an adorable photo. Sorry about the fall, glad you weren't seriously hurt. I love to hear those wren babies squawking for their food, and then as soon as they hear me approaching, not a peep!!

  12. Happy Anniversary to you and Fletch! But, I am so sorry about your tumble - I hope that the fix at the Verizon store is simple.

  13. *H*A*P*P*Y* * *A*N*N*I*V*E*R*S*A*R*Y*!*!* to you both! What young and beautiful people! Your weekend sounds divine! Enjoy. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  14. Happy Anniversary. 39 years is amazing!

  15. You two look like the fun couple ! I too wore a hat in 1982. IT was awful as I look back! Fun times with COLIN and Dee ahead. My son is in the final push of his horrible horrible job in Chicago. He may be moving far again, but as long as he's happy I promise to be too

  16. I love those hats! I've got a couple of shots of my Mom at various weddings in hats like that!

  17. happy anniversary!!!! You two are so cute. and boo to the muddy bum..

  18. Happy Anniversary!!! Adorable... even the hat! ;)

    I fell last September, landing on my shoulder & arm, and I'm still feeling it... slowly improving (emphasis on SLOW).
