Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Unraveled Wednesday - May 15, 2019

Good Morning!

Wow!  The sun is out!  It is still chilly (41), but is supposed to get up to 71 today😌

I'm feeling unraveled this morning.  Monday night I didn't sleep well - I was having some very weird dreams and I kept waking up every 30 - 45 minutes.  Last night I fell asleep quickly, but woke up at 3 a.m. and never got back to sleep!  I've been at work since 7:15 this morning, and I have a work dinner tonight.  OK, enough griping.

Oh!  I forgot - I need to gripe about dinner last night - lol.  Colin & Mailing gave us a lot of leftover mussels Saturday night.  I ended up shelling them all and made a sauce last night to go over pasta:

Looks good!  Fletch really liked it.  It was way too fishy smelling for me to enjoy though.  The pasta was good, and the shallots and tomatoes, garlic & herbs...but I could not eat a single mussel. 

OK, I'm finished complaining now.

Fortunately there has been no unraveling of yarn this week.  I'm up to 30 teeth on Mailing's Hitchhiker.  The color is just so rich - I am loving this one.

And I finished the twisted rib on my "Down The Rabbit Hole" sock.  Loving this yarn too.

I've been cleaning in preparation for Leslie coming this weekend.  Now it turns out that Bob, her husband, will be coming as well.  That means another room to clean!  Our guestroom only has a twin bed in it, so we'll put them in what was Colin's bedroom which has a full bed.  They won't get to our place until after dinner on Friday and they need to leave early Sunday, so a quick visit, but it will be so good to see them again.

Well, time to roll - I've got about 10 guys in today for budget reviews.  I hope they're ready!!

Head on over to Kat's to see how other Unravellers are doing.


  1. Sorry about the poor sleep and unsatisfactory dinner. Hopefully both of those things will be much better tonight. At least your Hitchhiker and sock are looking great! Hope today is a good one; show those budget guys who's the boss!

  2. I hate it when you look forward to a meal and then can't eat it.

    Your Hitchhiker does look lovely, and the sock yarn is fun!

  3. Oh man... between your Hitchhiker and Bonny's - I am in full blown hitchhiker envy this morning!

    I hope your day flies by and your sleep tonight is undisturbed!

  4. What an elegant Hitchhiker: the color and eyelet lace look great together.

  5. Sorry about the mussel/pasta dish-too bad cuz it does look good.
    The HH shawl is amazing!!!! So close to a finish.

  6. That meal looks great but I'm sorry you couldn't eat it. And I've been sleeping strange too, maybe it's something in the air...on both sides of the country!!!
    Your hitchhiker is beautiful. I know Mailing will cherish it.

  7. your knits are looking fab!
    I've never been able to eat mussels... they just don't look appetizing

  8. Never had a mussel. My sister loves them, or did, until she got deathly ill from a bad one at Red Lobster. That shade of blue is gorgeous.

  9. Oh, I really need to knit a Hitchhiker! Yours is lovely!

  10. Oh these hitchhikers I'm seeing look so lovely. I knit one quite awhile back so I should see if I have some stash yarn that might be good for the pattern. I'm afraid I wouldn't like a mussel either. Sleep better this evening.

  11. Such lovely knits!
    Sorry you had some things to b*tch about, but that's life. And if you can't get it off your chest on your own blog, then...?! Here's to better sleep and better seafood. LOL.

  12. Bravo on your HH.. I have one *somewhere* that I need to work on. I also love the sock start. I know the feeling of not being happy after my poor husband's surgery and how bad it was. ((hugs)), Teresa

  13. It's going to be hot this weekend! I hate when I don't sleep well. I wake up all the time throughout the night and most times I go right back to sleep, thankfully but sometimes I'm awake for a while and that is not nice.

  14. Oh i love the thickness knitting in to that SOCK!
