Thursday, December 21, 2017

Three on Thursday

Hello All,

The Christmas luncheon yesterday was really lovely.  Well, the hotel where it was held is a bit of a mess, but the food was terrific and there were a ton of laughs, gifts and a few tears.  All in all, a lovely day.  And, I was home by 2 p.m. which leads up to my 3 on Thursday:

1.   My wrapping is finished!!!  I got some done in the afternoon and everything else was done by 11 last night.  I didn't even allow myself to think about adding to what is done and wrapped.

2.  I baked some more cookies.  And, I may be finished with that as well.  I haven't made cut-out cookies yet and I may do that...but I may wait and make them for Valentine's day or something.  It seems as though every year by the end of January I throw out a ton of cookies.  We give a lot to various people, but we still end up with a ton for the two of us and we just don't eat them that quickly.  I know you can freeze them, but my freezer doesn't have enough room for them.

3.  I finished The Keeper of Lost Things this morning while having my coffee.  It's a fun, easy read (though it bogged down a bit for me in parts).  I'd label it as one of those "feel good" novels.

I'm excited with the prospect of casting on for some fingerless mitts for me!!  With thumbs!!  That may not happen till next week, but I think the weekend will be very relaxed and may provide the perfect opportunity.

Someone was exhausted last night.  After all, he had to help with the baking and especially with the wrapping.  I hope Santa brings this boy something fun!!

So completely relaxed!  That's the life.

Hope you all ae enjoying the wind down to Christmas.  Take some time to relax a bit...


  1. Poor Tyg! If you didn't make him work so hard, he could actually enjoy Christmastime ... ;-)

  2. Aaah, Tyg has the right idea! We could all learn a thing or two from our furry friends.

  3. Congratulations on the wrapping completion! I wish I could stretch and relax on the sofa like Tyg does so well, and hope you get some time yourself for relaxation and casting on!

  4. TYg!!!! I'm feeling ready! ! And happy. MY KIDS ARE HOME!

  5. Tyg has obviously outdone himself this year!

  6. Oh, I love the belly exposed pose!!! I'm glad you are in the wind down mode, too! Enjoy!

  7. come to my house and bake my cookies, please! love the cat stretch.

  8. Oh good lord, that POSE! Could that boy be any more chill!

  9. My goodness! You have worn Tyg completely out. I wish you'd let up on that poor cat.

  10. I am not even half way done with wrapping....gah! Merry Christmas!!!!

  11. I've got The Keeper of Lost Things on my nightstand from the library ... it's due January 2 and I'm looking forward to digging into it next week. Merry Merry!!

  12. Such a cute pic of a very worn out Tyg! lolol! I enjoyed The Keeper of Lost Things. These days I need feel good books. Happy Christmas!
