Friday, October 21, 2016

Camping Postponed and More Halloween Pics

Hi All,
We've decided to postpone our camping trip for a week.  It still feels like summer here, but rain is coming in today and tomorrow along with high winds.  not exactly good weather for hiking and a campfire.  Hopefully next weekend will work.
Meanwhile, I managed to get some better shots sent to me from our Halloween party and thought I would share.  This was such a good time.
Meanwhile, there's a breakfast spread in our main kitchen and I've got a conference call to get on shortly.  So, au revoir for now.  Have a wonderful weekend!


  1. Those costumes are fantastic!!! That T Rex is the funniest thing ever. I need to do a dinosaur themed production number so I can wear that.

  2. Oh wow they are amazing costumes, and it looks like such fun!

    Sorry you had to postpone your trip, but it sounds like crappy weather for camping, etc. Have a good weekend anyway!

  3. I've been catching up on your blog posts. Loved all the pics from your gathering with friends. It's fun to see your friends, and to see you too! Fun to see all the Halloween celebrations at your work too. Bummer about the rising cost of your health insurance though. ouch! Sorry the weather has postponed your camping. Good decision though -- it's cold and wet and windy out there! Brrrr!

  4. Very creative costumes. How fun!
