Thursday, August 27, 2020

All Creatures Great and Small

 Well Hello There,

Whew!  This morning and part of my afternoon have gotten away from me.  Work has been Tres Busy which I find unacceptable...but...not my doing.  Anyway, post-lunch and I can now post and I thought I would show you creatures here...both Great and Small.

First up, two fawns resting in our neighbor's yard.  Fletch spotted them late yesterday afternoon as he glanced out the kitchen window while doing dishes (that man of mine knows if the kitchen is not clean, dinner does not get made!!).

This morning I spotted these two (perhaps) and a young buck (very small antlers) roaming/munching in our wetlands area - I had to chase them away.  I don't mind them coming into the yard for fallen apples, but leave our other stuff alone!

Then we have Steve the Beav!  (our resident groundhog)  I do believe he is fattening up for the winter.  He was munching away in our neighbor's (other side than the fawns) yard.

And finally, a Praying Mantis on my eggplant (again).  This one is beginning to turn brown which (I believe??) is a sign of maturity??

I love the green (bright) still visible on him.

I was going to include a picture of Tyg, but he doesn't consider himself a creature...rather a God or at least human!  LOL

Dinner last night was great!  

The rest of the ribs were still on the grill.  Someone commented that they thought the jalapenos wrapped in bacon would be too hot.  Honestly, I think grilling calms them down.  Very little heat and Fletch can eat them with no problem (I like stuff hotter than he does).

And one final note:  I did complete the heel flap, turn, and am on the gusset decreases on Hawk Sock #2.  Yay me!

Almost to Friday!  Hoping for a calm afternoon.


  1. Aww, those deer are darling! (says the person who likewise shoos the deer out of her yard!)

    Ha! Tomorrow is Friday... woot!

  2. Hello Vera,
    The deer are so cute! I think we have a family of groundhogs, they eat everything in sight. The ribs look delicious! Enjoy your day!

  3. I love all your deer, critters, those delicious-looking ribs, grilled jalapenos, and most especially Fletch's understanding of kitchen responsibilities!

  4. I love all the deer! We haven't landscaped on the coast yet so they are free to munch whatever they wish!

  5. We've now got one of those groundhog things living under the shed. It drives Pup nuts.
    I am not speaking to our deer at the moment. I have never seen them eat our plants to the ground the way they did. All that green stuff out in the woods to choose from and it's my hostas they like best. Grrrrr......

  6. I love all the sweet critters and I love bacon wrapped jalapenos too :)

  7. We're seeing more groundhogs and I think you're right about fattening up. Like me!! Nit had a praying mantis last night that I took from him. First one in years that I've seen. Big guy! And he seemed to be fine.

  8. Wow.. it's a regular zoo over there! Our wildlife today is honey bees and I'm kind of mad. The lavender field allowed a beekeeper to bring in like 20 hives and they are all over here drinking from our pond and worse, monopolizing the hummingbird feeders to the point that all our hummers have left us and the bees emptied a h. feeder of a quart of nectar.. and today I got stung! ARGH! I don't know how to proceed. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  9. Why is it that the animals that eat all our plants are also the cutest? I'm looking at you, fawns and baby bunnies! Oh well, I still enjoy seeing them!

  10. Those fawns! Deer always look so serene and restful when they're out and grazing. Beautiful.

    I'm going to try your bacon-wrapped jalapeno recipe.

  11. Oh the sweetness of those babies!! We have a fat groundhog who ate all of our cabbage...grr...

  12. Steve the Beav cracks me up! Is he vocal?

  13. I hope you got your calm afternoon today. The fawns are sweet but I know deer do plenty of damage in yards and gardens. Have a good weekend.

  14. I am so late in commenting. We're out camping in the mountains and the internet is not very good. I enjoyed seeing all of your creatures and the ribs look yummy. I would take the bacon off and give Dennis the jalepenos! :-)

  15. I love all the wildlife, so fun to see. Take care and stay safe.

  16. It's wonderful to see all of the wildlife--life is going to get hard for them come winter so it's nice to see them now!

  17. I love the post title ... and the photos - you did indeed deliver Great and Small! (and yummm.... as I've come to expect :-)
