Monday, September 9, 2019

Weekend recap

Hello All,

What a great weekend!  The weather was simply perfect for a fiber festival.  If you've read Dee's Blog you know that we headed across the river to NJ on Saturday for the NJ Sheep & Fiber Festival.  There were sheep:

Love these black faced sheep.  And look at the spotted one in the back!  Then there were those in coats:

LOL - Already groomed and ready to show - no chance of rolling in muck for this one.

Attendance at the Festival was good.  We did run into Bridget and The Tim and we saw Kristy Glass - though she did not see us and I'm not sure why she didn't seek us out for an interview - lol.  I was wearing hand knit socks.....It seemed a bit more crowded to me this year, but also fewer vendors.  Nevertheless, I managed to add to the stash:

I forget the name of the color on the left, but the one on the right is called Barn Owl.  Both are just so pretty.  And then I managed to get into a bit of a bag frenzy....

This one is heavy - made out of woven jute and will be perfect to house a BIG sweater project or a blanket project.  And then there was also this one...

I'm a sucker for gorgeous upholstery fabric.  This bag is perfect for a project or two while traveling.

Dee and I eventually left and drove into Lambertville to grab some lunch.  Walking through town we spotted this:

Not sure who is responsible for this as there are no local yarn shops.  We had a delicious lunch at Full Moon and then made our way to a coffee shop

(yes, that's a cookie on the table...and some yarn).  The green yarn has since been frogged and is in time out for an indefinite period of time.....

There were some guardians at the coffee shop watching us:

These were up high on a ledge near the ceiling.  Very cool.

All in all, a wonderful day.  Now it's back to work.  This week promises to be busy.  Wishing you all a wonderful week ahead.


  1. So glad you had a good time at the wool festival! From instagram, it looked like all sorts of knit-lebrities were there! Love your haul too. Happy week!

  2. YAY for SHEEP!!! Love what you came home with ... and hope you get something good on the needles quickly. Happy Monday!

  3. Those sheep!! I do so love those spotted Jacobs, they just might be my favorites!

  4. I was sorry not to be able to meet up with you and Dee, but it looks like you managed to do okay in stash acquisition without my help. :-) I love the barn owl and those bags (and the cookie)!

  5. Oh...those sheep! Oh...that yarn! Oh....those bags!!!!! What a wonderful day!

  6. Ahhh, yarn bombing! It is in the back of my mind to do that someday!
    Nice purchases at the fiber fest--nice you were able to share the day!

  7. Lovely yarn, and that Barn Owl is aptly named.

    I'd have spent an inordinate time talking with sheep. They just look like they want to chat.

  8. It looks like you had a wonderful time with Dee. Those sweet sheep. And in coats!!!! I would have had a difficult time leaving them. The yarn and bags you found are wonderful. That upholstery bag is just my cup of tea. :-)
    I'm so glad you have a yarny friend close by to do these sorts of things with. So much fun to be had together!
    I hope your Monday is going well Vera.

  9. Sounds like a great time! Love the bags!

  10. What a fun day - I love that big jute bag.

  11. Oooh, love the bags you purchased. Your road trip sounds like fun.

  12. It sounds like a great day all around! The yarn you got is just beautiful! Can't wait to see what you do with it. (And Kristy Glass doesn't know what she missed.) XO

  13. How wonderful! I don't think I'm going to be attending any festivals this year! I love that rainbow yarn bomb!!

  14. Sounds like a wonderful time. The sheep and yarn are fun to see but the coffee with the design is the best. I love it when a barista decorates my coffee. Have a good week.

  15. Im so jealous of your sheep and wool festival! I love Barn Owl and the blues. Great picks Dee s post was fun as well. Your knitship has been so fun to see evolve in person with you two!

  16. It looks like a wonderful festival.. lucky you and Dee are.. I like the Barn Owl colors. What a pretty cup of coffee! Don't work too hard this week.
    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  17. LOVE that tote bag that can house a sweater! Cast something on, quick to fill it up! I headed north last weekend to a different fiber festival :)
