Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Unraveled Wednesday 06/19/19

Good Morning!

Pardon me while I check out my feet - just making sure I haven't developed webbing between my toes!  Gosh it is wet...and 96% humidity this a.m.  More of the same through Thursday and then I think Friday is supposed to be sunny and 79 or so. 

The garden has been exploding with sugar snap peas.  Fletch is picking gallon bags daily!  The other night we had our first strawberry (yes, singular - it was large enough that we could split it) and cherry tomatoes should be ready to pick any day.  Onions and potatoes are growing quickly as well.

I've also noticed some weird things garden-wise.  First up one of our burning bushes (we have 3) is already turning red!  Second, our trumpet vine is already blooming...and there are a lot of blooms.  Usually that doesn't happen till July.  Hopefully we will see the hummingbirds soon.  Last, we are growing mushrooms EVERYWHERE.  Colin gave me a planter box with white icicle radish seeds (one of my favorite radishes) planted in it for Mother's Day.  The radishes are not doing so well, but the spores?  Taking off!

Last night those little 'shrooms were tiny and close to the dirt.  This morning they are standing several inches high!

On the other hand, knitting is going well.  I'm staying loyal to the socks I am making for Fletch and not knitting on anything else.  Monday I finished up the first sock at lunch and started #2 that evening.  Here's where I'm at right now:

Difficult to get a good picture on this grey day, so it is hard to see the pattern.  The finished sock also looks weirdly huge in this photo - lol.  But...I had Fletch try it on Monday night and it fits perfectly!

I'm excited and looking forward to trying something new!  The latest MDK Field Guide is all about socks - cuff down, toe up and lots of different patterns.  I am Determined to learn how to knit socks toe up.  The provisional cast on may throw me for a loop, but I will give it a try once these are off the needles.

Linking up with Kat on this Unraveled Wednesday.  Head on over to her blog to see what she and others are making and reading.


  1. We're damp, floody, and grey here in NEO, too. Actually all of Ohio cannot dry out. May was a washout as well, and June is already soggy.

    I adore radishes also. Never got into the radish and butter on toast points thing, but love them alone with salt or in a salad. Yum!

  2. We have that same wet, cool weather here -- PERFECT for growing mushrooms! I have them everywhere. Many of my plants are confused this year, too. My blooms are running 2-3 weeks behind, generally. But I'm not having to do any watering, so there is that! Fletch's socks are wonderful. I just love that colorway! (I have never knit a toe-up sock before.)

  3. Wet and cool here, too. Downpours nearly everyday this week. I haven't eaten an icicle radish in years, but I love them.

  4. Warm and rainy every afternoon here-but it is now our rainy season so it is welcome! You need to look up Kat Bordhi's way to begin the toe up socks-she is funny and smart and it is the easiest way to begin toe-ups!
    You can do it!

  5. I find plain mansocks always look huge, but they always seem to fit.
    We've finally got a few dry days and it's been lovely. I may actually mop the muddy cat prints off my floors!
    My strawberries are ripening, but I noticed last night, I'm sharing them with a brave little mousey. He figured out he can scale the brick wall and hop into the hanging basket!

  6. I'm almost embarrassed to say we're having a picture perfect day today. Blue skies and I can hear the birds singing in the backyard as I type this!
    I've just finished a pair of Christmas gift socks and have thought about trying toe-up for my next ones. However, I've decided that I really like cuff-down and there's nothing wrong with sticking with what works for me!!
    Have a wonderful day!

  7. How interesting to hear about the garden being a bit off schedule. We have mushrooms all over our yard but not the kind we can eat sadly.

  8. The humidity was truly insane today - it made my walk a challenge (and my poor hair, lol) We have the same mushroom explosion here in Pittsburgh - I am ready for less humid days!

    Your sock looks lovely! Mansocks are truly a challenge!

  9. The Mister was just saying we need to turn up the AC because of the electric bill but I said over my dead body. Even in the AC, this humidity is triggering my hot flashes and I am NOT fun to be around when I am hot. I hate summer and it doesn't even start until Friday!

  10. Everything is pretty much on schedule here despite the cold cold winter. We have had abundant rain and so the mosquitoes are getting really bad. It has not been warm and humid yet so no fireflies. They seem to need humidity . Clematis are going strong. Seedlings are slow.....perhaps the cooler temps have not been encouraging to them.

  11. We are also having many gray wet days. My tomato plants are growing and I have a few green ones setting on. Stay true to your sock and you will finish in no time. The finished sock looks good.

  12. I wish you luck on knitting toe-up. I really want to master that, too, but my attempts have not been successful. I did Judy's Magic Cast-on, but then got confused on the increasing for the gusset.
    Burning Bushes in southern Wisconsin are mostly dying. The very cold winter was just too much for them. My in-law have to have 5 taken out! Very sad.

  13. The kids and I went for a walk last night and they spotted lots of mushrooms! "Don't touch 'em!" warned Junah. ;)

  14. Just commented to my husband this morning on the amount of tiny mushrooms growing near the flower beds in the front yard. So ready for some dryer days!

  15. Hello, the humidity is awful. I've seen some mushrooms in our forest, they like this wet weather. I am glad your snap peas are doing so well. The sock looks nice, pretty color yarn. Thanks for visiting. Wishing you a happy day!

  16. Didn't it just seem like you had snow?

  17. We've had such gorgeous weather here.. today a sprinkle but already is sunny with clouds. I hope you get your summer weather soon. The socks look great! What a nice spouse you are to make those for your guy. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  18. quack quack quack, I agree with the rainy weather being a bit too much. Love your socks and you make me want to knit a pair for myself.
