Monday, June 17, 2019

How Can It Be Monday Already?


How was your weekend?  Mine was good, but I'm sitting at my desk at work and I feel like I just left here 10 minutes ago!  Turns out the car issue last week wasn't a spark plug, but rather an ignition coil which is much more expensive and much more involved to replace.  Fletch took the car in Friday morning and was not able to pick me up till 4:30 - I have not worked till 4:30 in years!!  To make it worse, I had planned on leaving work by Noon so had not brought a book or knitting with me.  Lesson learned - never leave home without at least one of those items.  But, many $$$ later, the car is fixed and running well.

Saturday I got my knee stitches out and then we ran around to car dealerships.  We have managed to narrow our choices down.  There is one more car that we want to test drive and then we'll decide what to buy.  That afternoon we headed over to Colin & Mailing's for a Father's Day dinner.  OMG.  What fabulous food.  I'm not normally a fan of meatballs...just don't like them.  BUT, the ones Mailing made were so good and the sauce was wonderful as well as the home made pasta.  Colin grilled romaine lettuce which was really good too.  Dessert was home made chocolate mousse with whipped cream, shaved chocolate, shaved  nutmeg and strawberries from the CSA farm:

So Delicious!!  After dinner we took a walk in a local park (and I did NOT trip and fall!!) and then sat around the fire pit.  It was a lovely evening.

Sunday morning I met up with Dee for some coffee, knitting and mostly chatting😊

Cardamom black pepper lattes are very tasty!  I highly recommend.  Some knitting was actually accomplished and a bit more last night.  I have about 6 rows left on the toe decrease of sock #1.

Hoping for a chance to finish this at lunch today.  I put it away before we turned on the new season of Endeavour last night.

All in all, a very nice weekend, but I still feel as though I just left work 10 minutes ago!  Hope your weekend was fun.


  1. I am glad your stitches are out and the car is repaired! And, go you on that sock!

  2. Nice to have stitches out! What an adventure! The sock is a beauty!
    Glad you had a good time with Dee.

  3. The last time you mentioned cardamom black pepper coffee, I was so intrigued. Now I make my own and love it.

    So glad you had a SAFE weekend, even though you had to wait a bit for it to start.

  4. Oooh, I'm looking forward to Endeavour!!

  5. Oooooo! Endeavour! Can't wait. (So glad your stitches are out!) Sounds like a great weekend, Vera. XO

  6. Thanks for the reminder about Endeavor - love that show. I took a stumble and had a faceplant last week. Bruises and aches but nothing broken, thankfully.

  7. Your weekend sounds like it was a super busy one, but one full of good things. I'm glad the decision making on a car is almost over. That can be so stressful. Also glad the stitches came out with no issues. That mousse looks SO good. Yum. And finally, glad you had a great time with Dee. Special times with lots of family and friends can't be taken for granted.

  8. I've been stuck without knitting or a book before, it's the pits!
    But I'm glad the stitches are out and you had a delicious weekend!
    This weekend did fly by!

  9. Hooray for delicious mousse, a great weekend, and no falls! :-)

  10. I love Endeavor!!! I was so happy to see it back on. I just binge watched all 5 seasons.
    That mousse looks too yummy. I haven't had any in ages and now it's all I can think of.

  11. The Father's Day celebration sounds like a good feast. I'm glad the stitches have been removed. That is progress and a good start to the weekend. Hmm the latte sounds intriguing too.

  12. Grilled romaine? That dessert looks so fabulous. Yours and your family eats make my mouth water. Figurately or course since I can't literally.

  13. I love grilled romaine!!!! My chocolate mousse days are over, but I want to eat that one!!! the shavings of chocolate make it even more desireable

  14. I'm glad you got your stitches out and can still enjoy walking. It sounds like a wonderful FD weekend for you all. Good job on the socks!! ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  15. yay for no stitches and I do adore Endeavor :)
