Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Unraveled Wednesday 12-19-18

Good Morning,

Welcome to mid-week.  It is a cold one here (9:20 a.m. and still just 28 degrees).  But Colin texted me that it could get up to 60 by Friday (of course...rain and flood watches are in the forecast as well).

After knitting that terribly fiddly cat, I decided I needed some easy knitting and have started a pair of socks for Colin.  Once again the pattern is Hermoine's Everyday Socks - a free pattern on Ravelry and one that gives very nice texture to socks.

In reality the socks are a bit darker, but I love all the various shades in the yarn.  The yarn is an 80/20 blend from Mineville and the colorway is Arctic Circle.  This shot was taken early last night...since then I've added another 12 rows or so and hopefully more will be added at lunch today.

My day started with an 8 a.m. doctor's appointment (regular 6 month check-up) and all is good.  I had blood drawn last week (too many tubes!!) - and all my numbers are good!  YAY!

This is my last full day of work this week.  Tomorrow I'm leaving by 12:30 to meet the Lame Duck for drinks.  He and his wife are up from FL for the holidays and he wanted to get together.  He put a very nice book together for everyone in the division using Shutterfly - pictures from all the years we worked together.  A reminder of good times (the last few years were rough - especially for him...but now he is retired and all is good).  Friday we are closing at 1:00 and are closed next Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday...and I doubt I will work Thursday or Friday.  So a nice bit of time off.

On the reading front I'm a little more than halfway through "Kingdom of the Blind" the latest Gamache book from Louise Penny.  So good!  I'm making myself read it slowly and not rush through it so it will last - lol.

Joining Kat and friends for Unraveled Wednesday.  What are you up to?


  1. That yarn is beautiful! And with a work schedule that has plenty of time off, you might be able to do plenty of knitting. Enjoy it all!

  2. Oooh, I love those colors! Enjoy your holiday break - knit and recharge. I'm sewing today, as it is snowy, windy, and bitter cold.

  3. Long holiday breaks are just delicious, aren't they?

  4. Pretty sock yarn.
    I am so looking forward to having next week off... this week has been crazy!
    It's cold here, but they are calling for snow for Christmas... of course, that's 6 days away.... a lot can change!

  5. I was hoping for no work on Monday, but it looks like I'll be in for a half-day... oh well. I've had some nice long weekends this month, so no complaints!! Love that sock... off to download that pattern!

  6. Happy last full day of work! I'm glad my grown kids now have jobs that can be left for the holidays. Fireman and I have worked so many holidays over the years, it is wonderful that our kids do not have to .

  7. It sounds as though you have some nice plans for the rest of the week and next week too. Plenty of knitting time! That’s always a nice bonus. I love your new socks. I use her Hermiones Everyday Socks pattern along with the Petty Harbor socks pattern almost exclusively on of the socks that I knit. They are very similar patterns.
    My husband has two four-day weekends coming up starting this weekend and again next weekend. He is looking forward to it very much.
    We’ve had some warm weather, in the upper 30s and 40s this week, but snow is predicted beginning on Sunday through Christmas. Although it will be pretty, I always worry about the people traveling for the holidays over the mountain passes when the roads get bad.
    Enjoy your time off and I hope you get lots of knitting done. Blessings, Betsy

  8. We're gearing up for this Friday's monsoon, too! Glad you have such a long stretch of "off time" over the holiday! Do enjoy!

  9. The new socks are such a pretty yarn! I love to wear my socks done in the Hermione pattern-the texture is interesting to do and to wear!

  10. It is hard to go wrong with Hermoine's Everyday Sock. Yours is going to be quite nice. That pattern works with all kinds of yarn. I'm envious that you are reading the latest Penny book. I am way down on the hold's list at my library. Always lots to read in the meantime though.

  11. I like that yarn on your new sock a lot. I love mixed colors. Bravo to you for having many days off.. yay!!

    *M*E*R*R*Y* * *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*

    ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  12. By the time you read this, you might be well into your vacation! Enjoy your time off and Merry Christmas!

  13. More socks--you are devoted. Enjoy your time off; I know you really will.

  14. you can never have too many socks, I'm glad you had a healthy dr visit!
