Monday, December 10, 2018

It's Monday Again!

Good Morning!

Monday seems to have come around awfully quickly (as always).  For those of you in the Southeast with the major snow storm I hope you are all ok and warm and safe.  I talked with my friend who lives outside of Greensboro, NC and at 3 p.m. yesterday they had a foot of snow!  It was still coming down while we talked and then it changed to freezing rain - not a good thing.  My parent company's office in Charlotte is closed today.  Meanwhile in PA we have no snow, but it sure is cold!

The weekend turned out well.  I got a little cleaning and a tiny amount of decorating done Friday night.  I was up early Saturday cooking and then had to run out to the store.  I had no fresh veggies for our meal!  (and needed wine...).  I made an easy chicken casserole with mushrooms and we had some cinnamon carrots and French green beans to go with that.  My SIL brought a loaf of home-made 12 grain bread (yummy).  Dessert was a pear & cranberry cobbler with whipped cream.  Colin and Mailing joined us as well.  It was fun and nice to see my brother and SIL again, but I had to lay down after they left - my head was pounding.  My brother is extremely loud and gets even louder the more worked up he becomes on any given issue (and the more he has to drink).  Luckily no political discussions came up.  I'm just not used to the noise level.  But, still, it was a nice time and I'm glad they came.

That night I was still too full from the afternoon meal for any dinner.  But I did accomplish some knitting!  Not finished yet, but close (still playing yarn chicken here - I think/hope I will win).

I'm pleased with how I've managed to match these.  I unraveled some yarn from the skein before starting sock #2 so that I would begin in the same place yarn-colour-wise.  And it worked!  These came with me to work today and I'm hoping to knit some at lunch.

Yesterday was full of chores.  We went grocery shopping.  I paid bills and updated spreadsheets where I track what we spend (basically so I see how much $$$ we waste).  I made a HUGE pot of spaghetti sauce for dinner using some Italian sausage (hot and sweet) that Fletch had grilled the other week.  Lots of peppers, mushrooms and onions too.  Now we have a bunch of sauce in the freezer.  And last night I finally started making cookies.  To start with I made oatmeal raisin.  Probably my least favorite cookie, but Fletcher's favorite so I think I deserve some points for that.

And I wrapped Colin's birthday gifts (his birthday is tomorrow and we are celebrating next Saturday at his and Mailing's place).  Look at this great wrapping paper I found.  I love it!

Sorry - I can't manage to turn it around.

It's amazing what I can get done when I don't take a nap - lol. 

And, as always happens, I had 4 books come through on Overdrive in the last couple of days!  The latest by Louise Penny ("Kingdom of the Blind") - Inspector Gamache.  Can't wait!  And "The Feather Thief" which I've been waiting for it feels like a year!  "Overstory" came in - I will probably let that one go and put myself back on the wait list, and one other I will let go (can't remember the title right now).

I hope you all had wonderful weekends and that the week ahead finds you smiling!


  1. I can sympathize about your visitors and the aftermath. That happens to me so often! My home is very quiet, and I am not used to lots of loud noise.

    That wrapping paper is perfect! I NEED IT.

  2. I love those socks. That's such an unusual stripe. That paper is just too funny! It would make a fun collage.

  3. You can choose your friends, but not your family (but we love them anyway)! Excellent sock stripe matching, cute wrapping paper, and it sounds like you won the Overdrive lottery! I personally loved The Feather Thief, wasn't fond of Overstory, but ymmv. Hope you have a great week ahead!

  4. Great progress on the socks! Glad the weekend was a good one for you!

  5. Love the wrapping paper!
    My brother is a "talker" too. I frequently need a time out after he leaves. I love him, but he's exhausting sometimes!

  6. Oh Colin's going to love that wrapping paper! and thank you for reminding me about The Feather Thief ... it's on hold now. Happy Monday!

  7. The wrapping paper is fun! Great job on matching the stripes on the socks.

  8. So much fun in this post. I love that wrapping paper and your socks are beautiful. With my last pair of striped socks I did the same thing and thought I was matching everything perfect. Then the total went wonky for some reason the different colors. But I figured that was OK since it would be hidden in the shoe! Hoping for a yarn chicken win for you! I love your cooking. It sounds absolutely wonderful and I love having food in the freezer to pull out for a quick meal. Sorry about your headache. We are used to very quiet holidays around here too. I hope you have a great Monday my friend.
    Blessings, Betsy

  9. That wrapping paper! It's adorable! So perfect. :-)
    It sounds like you packed an awfully lot into one little weekend. I hope your week at work goes smoothly -- and leaves you with plenty of energy for everything else you need to take care of. XO

  10. Bravo on the sock matching! I am enjoying the quiet around here since my son's family have moved to their own home. There are still 4 of us here but there WERE 8! Have a super week. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  11. I love your cat paper. Family members who drink and get loud are so difficult. Im sorry and I have been there. It is embarassing at times too.

  12. Oh boy, do I ever love those striped socks!!

  13. love the wrapping paper :) The socks look fab and I'm a matchy matchy kind of knitter.
