Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Tiny Needle Tuesday 11/17/20

 Hello and Good Morning!

Well, yesterday ended up being a longer day in the office than I've had in months!  LOL  Again a busy, busy, busy day.  But, a lot was accomplished and that's a good thing.  I may need to go in one more day this week, but if so, it will be just to print some stuff and then pull an overnight package together for Kevin.  We'll see.

I guess I spoke too soon about no damage at home from Sunday's storm.  Nothing major, but the end of an era!!  25+ years ago Fletch built a tree house in our woods for Colin.  It really was pretty and those two actually spent a night or two sleeping in the tree house.  Colin and his friends would play in it...until one time when they came inside covered (and I do mean covered) in ticks.  It wasn't used after that.  Over the years it had started to sag and tilt, but Sunday the entire tree came down!  

It's sad to see the empty spot in our woods now, but Fletch says too that it is nice not to view the tree house slowly succumbing to nature!

As I mentioned yesterday, my eyes were bothering me quite a bit last week, so not that much stitching was done, but I did manage to do a few things.

Another border section on the right and the start of an owl in a tree.  It's awfully wrinkled - sorry about that, but because I stitch in hand, the fabric gets bunched up while I stitch.

Oh, I have big news for my friend Leslie in NC.  Leslie and I have been the best of friends since we were 12...so 55 years!!!  Anyway, Leslie writes poetry and just had a poem accepted for publication/participation in a program called "Poetry in Plain Sight."  

Poetry in Plain Sight: A Statewide Poetry Initiative. Launched in Winston-Salem in 2013, Poetry in Plain Sight brings North Carolina poetry and poets to the public. Four poems are chosen monthly and displayed on posters in street-visible locations throughout arts districts and downtown areas in Winston-Salem and in our expansion cities. The goals are to bring poetry to a wider audience and to support North Carolina poets.

The displays will start next April (2021).  Unfortunately I cannot share her poem with you as that would automatically disqualify it.  Once it is displayed I'll be able to share it though.  Doesn't that sound like a neat program?

Time to pour another cup of coffee and get to work...I can see that emails have been flying in as I typed this post.  Have a wonderful day!


  1. Sorry about your long day and the demise of the tree house. I bet it will soon be covered in ivy and lichen and return to the woods. Congratulations on stitching your tiny owl, especially with tired eyes, and to Leslie for her poem. Public poetry sounds like a wonderful idea!

  2. I love the idea of public poetry. We did that in our high school with my Creative Writing students' poems in the hallways. It helped us to sell the literary magazine and recruit students for my class, too. It also made a lot of my students feel really "famous" for their work.

    So sorry about your tree house, but its memories are forever.

  3. We had a lot of wind on Sunday too - no damage here (we did lose power for 14 hours though), but my poor friend had a big Willow tree come down on his jeep AND his work truck. I believe its minimal damage to both, but still. And his daugther is really upset about the poor tree.

  4. Congratulations to your friend Leslie! That is quite an honor.
    It's hard to see things like your treehouse succumbing to time but Fletch is probably right. It would be much sadder to see it just fall apart. Maybe now you can plant something special.
    Your owl is a cutey. Don't work too hard today.

  5. Trees leave a hole in the sky when they come down. It’s odd to look at an area where a tree once stood and feel that something is missing. I hope work slows down for you this week.

  6. Sorry about the tree but enjoy the brightness!

  7. Hello,
    It was time for the treehouse to come down, the ticks around here this year have been bad. Congrats to your friend Leslie. I will look forward to reading her poem. I like the cute owl.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  8. Oh, dear! Sorry to see what happens with the passing of time even in our forests! (we just found our first tick of the season on one of the cats!)

  9. Wasn't that wind something? My heavy copper kettle pots were flying! Lots of power out in Ohio and here. Sorry about the tree!

  10. Oh what a sweet father son memory. Sorry the tree came down. Glad no one was hurt!!

  11. Well, I suppose if the wind had to bring something down, it was good that it brought down the tree house and not, say, power lines or a tree onto a house!

  12. Aw. Rusty's worried about a tree that could come down on the playhouse that he built for the kids... and has remodeled & relocated. Oh, those special memories!!!

  13. congrats to your friend!! isn't it amazing how a powerful wind can destroy stuff? someone in the neighborhood lost a sizable tree from wind and it came up out with roots and all!

  14. Congratulations to your friend! You must have had quite the wind blow through. Maybe some little volunteer will grow in place of that tree. My daughter in CT sent us a text one evening as they had a tornado warning - of course after she got everyone in bed.

  15. Colin is a lucky boy to have his dad build him a treehouse. Sorry it is the end of an era. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

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