Thursday, March 6, 2025

What's Cookin'? 3/6/25

 Good Morning Everyone!

How are you?  It is still fairly mild here and I'm still wishing I had ditched the flannel sheets the other day.  We had some heavy rain yesterday and this morning just looks blah - plenty of grey in the sky.

But hey!  I tried some new (to me) recipes yesterday and thought I would share with you.

Fletch is not fond of tofu, but I enjoy it (if it is crispy).  Lunch for me yesterday was some crispy tofu with veggies and brown rice.

I took a block of firm tofu, sliced it into 3 layers and put them between paper towels and then weighted them with a couple of canisters to help get more water/moisture out of the tofu.  After 45 minutes or so, I just tore the layers into chunks, slapped them in a bowl with a little soy sauce, sesame oil, sriracha and S&P.  Mixed that all up and then added corn starch to cover all the pieces.  Plopped them on a cookie sheet (with parchment on it), and at the other end of the cookie sheet I added some cut up zucchini, yellow squash and sliced radishes.  Sprinkled EVOO, S&P on the veggies and cooked all that stuff at 400 for about 20 minutes.  Warmed up some leftover brown rice and then put the roasted pieces on top adding some chopped scallions.  It was yummy!  AND...theres quite a bit of leftover tofu, so I already know what's on my menu for lunch.

Dinner ended up being an orange affair - LOL

Salmon and carrots.  They both roasted in the oven at 400 - the carrots for 25 minutes or so and the salmon for 20 minutes.  The salmon was brushed with a mixture of maple syrup, soy sauce, sriracha, dill, dash of white vinegar and sesame seeds.  This is a recipe from my SIL in CO - she sent it to me only a dozen years ago and I had never tried it.  We will definitely be having salmon this way again!

For the carrots, I chopped them up, put them in a bowl and added EVOO, S&P, a splash of OJ, a little maple syrup, some cinnamon and some ground cloves.  I let them rest in the bowl for 30-45 minutes, then put them in a greased casserole.  I loved the flavor of orange and cloves - it was kind of like Christmas!  No carrots were left, but there is a big chunk of salmon left over for lunch for Fletch.

Tonight we are just going to have burgers.  If it gets nice enough, I'll have Fletch grill them.  If not, I will just cook them inside.  Not sure what we will have with them, but something!

Time for me to get going.  I've got errands to run this morning and there are a few chores I'd like to "maybe" get accomplished.  Time will tell.  Here's hoping your Thursday is a good one - enjoy!


  1. We had salmon last night. Today I am heading to Trader Joe’s and trying to get back on the meal planning train after my trip.

  2. These all sound delicious! John does not like tofu at all, but I'm the cook so he might not get a say in it. I bought carrots yesterday, but I'm going to use them in venison stew. I'll have to get five pounds next time I go to the grocery store so I can try carrots and cloves. Of course, I'm hungry now. Thanks for the recipes!
