Thursday, March 13, 2025

Signs of Spring!! 3/13/25

 Good Morning All,

I'm a bit late (again) today.  I had to go out early for a fasting blood test and then when I came back I HAD to have coffee immediately...and half a bagel and half a banana (you would think that I had not eaten in ages).

Anyway, yesterday was a beautiful day.  I walked again along the Perkiomen creek in the morning.  Lots of bird song (and crows), lots of robins and some Canadian geese on the water.  This morning is a bit chillier, so if I walk it will be in the afternoon.

Later in the day, Fletch was pruning our apple tree (lots of dead wood unfortunately) and I walked out to see if the peonies were popping up yet.  No sign of them, but there were other joys:

The bed at the edge of our driveway.

Smack dab in the middle of our front lawn - no idea about these...haven't seen them in the past.

Under my front office window...delicate crocus and daffodil buds!!!

Colin reported that his garlic is shooting up and Fletch says ours as well.  Good things to come.  Surprisingly, there is a bunch of spinach in the cold frame bed that was not damaged by the cooler temps or winds (the winds blew the sides and top off the cold frame!).  I may have to harvest that for a salad.

Well, time to get my day going (and get another cup of coffee).  I hope you all are seeing signs of Spring too!


  1. Those fasting blood draws are the worst! Lovely to see those little blooms beginning to show up.

  2. I've got one garlic shooting. I have snow drops and a couple crocuses blooming. I saw my first robin this morning. Spring is here!!! (though of course, I'm sure Mother Nature will have a relapse or two!)
