Monday, March 24, 2025

Weekending 3/24/25

 Good Morning!

Or, good Sleepy morning from Eastern PA.  We had light rain overnight (it sounded so nice when I woke...several times...) and it is continuing now.  It is grey and a perfect day for staying in and doing some knitting or stitching or reading.  Unfortunately, I have a dentist appointment (just routine check and cleaning) at 10:30.  I guess that means I will have to get dressed....

How was your weekend?  Ours was good.  The last week was busy with appointments and other stuff.  We are (FINALLY) getting rid of some things!!  Years ago (30+) we bought benches/shelves from Ikea.  They are benches, but can stack on top of one another to be shelves.  Many moons ago they migrated into Colin's room where they started collecting stuff.  Books we didn't look at.  Old papers, etc., etc.  C&M were in need of some shelves so I said you can have them!  Of course that meant unloading all the stuff on them.

The shelves/benches are now at C&M's house and we have a number of boxes filled with books to go through - I'm thinking many can be donated, but we will see what Fletch thinks.  (I'm happy to say he has already gotten rid of a lot of the papers and other things that were on those shelves.)

On Saturday I also picked up our finished taxes.  So good to have that out of the way!  I have to mail the local return (state and federal will be e-filed).  This will be my last local return now that I am fully retired.  YAY!!!

Sunday I cooked some sticky sesame tofu for my lunch.

I had it over brown rice with some steamed broccoli and carrots.  Pretty tasty!  Next time I will try cooking the tofu in my air fryer rather than the oven.

We had some sunflowers in a vase on the table, but they were looking a bit ratty (and they really did not last long - not even a week!).  Yesterday afternoon I walked around to the North side of the house and our mini daffodils are finally blooming.  They are always the first to bloom.

Well my friends, time to pour another cup of coffee and maybe have a little breakfast.  I hope your Monday finds you doing something you love.


  1. It always feels good to get rid of some stuff! It's amazing to me how things can collect until eventually you don't even notice them anymore. Books are often tough to get rid of, but we can't keep everything. I hope your dentist appt. is an easy one and you can come home and enjoy a rainy Monday.

  2. Tofu might just be on the menu here tonight if I remember to thaw it out.

  3. It’s amazing how things can accumulate in unused areas. I need to do a closet purge again. I hope to spend sometime sewing today as it is overcast and rather dreary.

  4. When we moved in 2021 I loved getting rid of books, it was fun and it was nice not to move all of them.

  5. Gorgeous daffies! I just noticed several of my clumps have really multiplied. I have a friend starting a new garden, so I'm going to split them up after flowering and send some her way

  6. Congrats on some successful spring cleaning! We had the rain last night, and it was so nice to hear while I was falling asleep. I'm still waiting for my daffodils to open. Maybe with the sun we're getting today they will finally do it?

  7. It must feel great to be cleaning out old papers and books and moving those shelves along to a new home. Your daffodils are so cheerful!

  8. I'm seeing daffodils here and on the blogs. They are so pretty and bright. You remind me I need to do a little decluttering around here. I made a list of small areas to tackle. Have I done anything? Not yet.

  9. My daffs started blooming last week! I was surprised to see how many more I had this year than last! Your lunch looks so yummy! And yay for cleaning out old papers and books! Woo!

  10. We're in the midst of some home renovations, and that means we're in a major purge mode. It feels so good to pack things up and OUT of the house. It seems, though, that we (the "royal we") need a push to get to that purge mode! (In your case, passing on the shelves; in my case, renovations.) Enjoy your fresh spaces!

  11. Nothing like a good clean out in the Spring! Good job.

  12. We purchased an air fryer two years ago, haven't used it yet. Friends love theirs so I need to try something in it.
