Good Morning My Friends,
How are you this first Monday in March? It's another chilly morning here in Eastern PA (19 degrees by my phone). I'm in PJ pants, a sweatshirt and have a shawl wrapped around my shoulders. That's also how I was dressed for most of yesterday. LOL
Friday was a very pretty day. I did make our shrimp stir fry for dinner.
And Saturday - wow! It was 60 degrees in the morning. When I stepped out to fix the window bird feeder at the office window I spotted some daffodil leaves and a bud! Finally.
And then more along the North side of the house.
I did a few chores and then planned to walk in the afternoon. But, while Fletch and I were having lunch the winds picked up and the temps really dropped. The wind continued the rest of the day and night (40 mph gusts pretty steadily). So, I stayed inside.
Sunday was pretty cold. I did drive over to Colin & Mailing's after breakfast to take them a few things. When I arrived, Colin was reading to Iris.
We're late (very late) to the game, but have been enjoying watching Ted Lasso. Some of the episodes are just plan strange though (e.g., Beard After Hours). But it's fun and I'm actually enjoying watching TV. What a thought! LOL. Fletch watched the Oscars last night, but I did not. Instead I was reading in the kitchen. I happened to glance out the patio door and we had a visitor!!
Mr. Raccoon was checking things out, and then he climbed the post attempting to get to the suet feeder (he gave up).
I was glad when I checked and Mabel was sound asleep on one of the beds upstairs. Mr. Raccoon might not have come onto the patio if Mabel had been out there, but I'd rather not test that theory.
All in all, a very pleasant weekend. I knit and stitched and finished 3 books and started a new one! (More on the books on Wednesday.). I'm hoping your weekend was just as lovely. Happy Monday!