Monday, August 23, 2021


 Good Morning Friends!

Thank you so much for your kind words and thoughts this past week.  It did feel good to take a week off, away from the screen and just be.  Today it feels good to get back to my blog.  Last week was a hard one but also an extremely busy one at work (2 days in the office - unheard of!!).  Other than work, I didn't do much.  Just moped around a bit.  My right eye has taken longer to heal than the left one did so it hasn't been the best time to knit or stitch.  I've done a little, but not much.

We did spend the day with Colin & Mailing on Saturday and that was a lot of fun.  We started off in the morning with a short walk in a part of Valley Forge that I had not been to previously.  There is a tree they wanted to show us known as Pawlings Sycamore which is purported to have survived the tree cutting in Valley Forge when Washington's troops were there.  This Sycamore is massive!!

I would have liked to take many more pictures, but there was a wedding that was going to take place a few minutes after we got there.  Men in kilts!!  The groom was Welsh and he and his brother were in kilts.  A few others were as well.  The bride had not yet arrived when we were there, but guests were walking in.

Here's a link to a little more info on this beautiful tree:

We went out to lunch after that and then headed over to Pennypacker Mills.

We toured the house which was the home of PA governor Samuel Pennypacker in the early 1900s.  I did not take any pictures (but the link above has some shots both of the exterior and the interior).  If it had been a little cooler/less humid, it would have been enjoyable to walk around the grounds a bit.

Instead we headed over to a local winery (Cardinal Hill Winery in the Lansdale/North Wales area) for a tasting.  What a mistake!  All of the wines we tasted were simply horrible - like cough syrup or worse.

So, one bad thing out of three - not too bad!

We ended the day back at Colin & Mailing's for dinner which was delicious.  We had pasta with sauce Colin had made during the week with tomatoes and other veggies from the CSA farm.  He fried some eggplant (also from the farm) to go with the pasta and we had a big green salad.  Dessert was some strawberry sorbet I had made the other week.

It was a busy day for Fletch and me (the old folks) and we headed home shortly after dinner.  Henri was expected to impact us some and we wanted to get home before any downpours occurred.  We did end up getting some rain overnight and then more again last night and it is raining now.  A good day to stay home.  I will most likely end up at the office for a bit tomorrow, but am hoping for a quiet day today.

It is good to be back here.  Thank you again for all your kind words and sympathy.  


  1. I'm glad you took a week off to begin to recover physically and emotionally, and had such a nice weekend. I've been to Pennypacker Park, but didn't know who it was named after. I saw two men in kilts at the grocery store this weekend and I couldn't help but take a good long look. There is just something about a man in a kilt!

  2. I thought about you often last week, Vera and I am so glad you took some time away. I hope that this week is a bit easier and Sherman and I are sending you our love.

  3. I'm so glad you took some time off last week. I've been thinking of you . . . What an awesome tree, Vera! It looks like a perfect wedding venue, too. I'm hoping this week feels a little better for you. Please be gentle with yourself. XO

  4. I'm glad you're back. I'm sure it has been--and will continue to be--a difficult time.

    What a lovely day out with your family. That is a beautiful setting. Thanks for the link to more information about that incredible tree.

  5. I'm glad you took the time to rest! Sorry the second eye is taking longer to will happen! The sycamore tree is amazing, thx for including a photo!

  6. I'm glad you took the time off, sometimes you just need to do that and we all understand. It looks like you had a great time as usual with Colin and Mailing. That sycamore tree is HUGE! It reminds me of the Banyan tree in Lahaina, Maui. The branches spread over an entire city block!
    Take care and don't start filling your days too much. Remember to relax and rest.

  7. Lovely weekend! That tree is beautiful!

  8. good to see you back, you have been in my thoughts.

  9. Wow, that tree is amazing! I’m glad it escaped the axe. Rest your eye when you can to help it heal.

  10. I've also been thinking about you and hoping you were doing okay. I'm glad to hear you've had some activities to keep you busy and from getting too sad, and I'm also glad that Henri didn't have too much of an impact. We are still drying out from the remnants of Fred moving through here last week. I hope it's a good week ahead for you!

  11. Hello,
    I hope you and your eye are feeling better now if not soon. That tree is massive, it is a pretty spot for a wedding. Your outing sounds like a fun time. Take care, have a great day!

  12. I am so sorry about your loss. Cats really dig their way into our heart and then leave holes when they depart. It's a hard thing to deal with.
    It sounds like you really need the time off, so good for you! We women are usually terrible about self-care.

  13. Those trees look amazing. What an interesting sycamore. I hope that eye comes along and you had an easy Monday.

  14. Oh, that tree! What a beautiful site for a wedding. I love weddings.

  15. what a lovely weekend to recover and bounce back, I love when you share your outings.
