Friday, August 23, 2019

Friday Felines


We made it to Friday!  It is grey and drizzling out there and it still feels awfully humid to me.  The temp has dropped, but it is not yet really comfortable...hopefully soon.

The frog population has grown again - last night we spotted five frogs!  Someone was very, very happy:

All his attempts to capture a frog failed.

Here's to a wonderful weekend - enjoy!!


  1. I love that photo! Tabbies are especially charming from the back.

    Our weather broke yesterday evening, and it's perfect outside now. It cost me a migraine, but it's almost worth it. Cool, dry, sunny...FINALLY! (For as long as it lasts, anyway.)

  2. Friday!!!! I'm still waiting for that promise of better weather. It's still pretty icky out there.

  3. Yay! Happy Friday!! The granddaughter of one of my friends is SO into frog hunting lately! So cute.

  4. Your pond must be the cool place to be, and I'm also anxiously awaiting the cooler weather. Happy Weekend (with lower dew points)!

  5. This will be a good weekend ahead-a lot of nothing scheduled which is nice. Love the pic of Tyg surveying his pond!

  6. Cooler here today, so the windows are still open. My weekend is a blank slate.

  7. I hope you have a wonderful weekend! We have much cooler weather here too and a busy weekend ahead.
    Love those pictures of Tyg. He's "guarding" his frogs.

  8. What will happen if a frog is captured? I hope there are pictures. Ok maybe not.

  9. Frodo barks at our toads. He likes to think he has captured them. It's a cooler day today over here, what a pure delight!!

  10. I want a frog pond!!!

    Relic brought me another baby bunny this morning. Sadly, it didn't make it, but Relic was sooooo proud. Why can't he bring me mice? He never brings me mice!

  11. Here's hoping the froggies continue to be entertainment for Tyg and not lunch!

    Enjoy the weekend!

  12. That is a very cool photo of Tyg, the pond and the flowers. I am glad the frogs are flourishing, your kitty will have more to watch. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)

  13. That is a great photo of Tyg ... but whoa, I feel really bad for the frogs! Hope you're having a cooler weekend!

  14. WE have had some toads on our deck! I love Tyg
