Monday, July 29, 2019

July's Last Monday!

Hello All,

So hard to believe that August will be upon us by mid-week!  Our weekend was full.  How was yours?

We started by going to the Kimberton CSA farm Friday afternoon to pick up Colin & Mailing's share.  Whew!

A ton of veggies.  We kept some tomatoes, some carrots, a few peppers and some parsley.  the balance we took over to Colin & Mailing's Friday night when we went over to feed the cats.  Now their frig is full - lol.  We also were able to pick a bouquet of flowers, but I forgot to get a picture of those.

Saturday I headed out to meet Dee at a barn sale at a local community center.  It was very well organized and I managed to score a couple of things:

The Vera Bradley bag with bees on it had to come home with me - a perfect size for a sweater project and besides, it had my name on it!  The book is one I had heard about but haven't read yet - 50 cents for that didn't seem bad.

After the barn sale we headed over to the local farmers' market where I picked up some mushrooms and corn.  We had the corn Saturday night - very sweet, but extremely small kernels.  I used the mushrooms last night in a pasta sauce - just onions, garlic, mushrooms and fresh tomatoes.  So good.

We were back and forth to Colin & Mailing's twice each day to feed Talbot and Marcel.  Talbot was more interested in hanging on his perch:

He loves his cat tree in the sun room.  Marcel was a little more talkative and anxious for food:

Do you see that Marcel has both black and white whiskers?  And his eyes are so pale.  He's a sweetie (they both are).

I'm happy to say that the Porthos socks are finished!

I love the way they turned out and they are going to be for Colin (I think...or maybe my little brother...).  No matter who they end up going to, a gift is finished.

The heat is building again here in Eastern PA - today and tomorrow should be very hot and humid.  I'm hoping that temps moderate a little bit as the week goes on.  Enjoy your week!


  1. That CSA share is huge! It looks like it would easily feed four people or more. Glad you found the bag that was meant for you at the barn sale and finished those great socks!

  2. What a wonderful weekend!
    Rupert has black and white whiskers too. I've known a few cats like that and they've always been orange. Weird.

  3. Love your socks and whoever you decide is going to get them will be a lucky guy. That veggie haul is great! It sure loooks delicious. I do love fresh veggies in the summertime.
    I'm glad you and Dee had a good time. You got some good finds there.

  4. Those socks! LOVE!!

    And, bravo for finding something with your name on it! I confess - I am laughing! (And, I loved Pachinko and I think you will too!)

  5. Oooh, those tomatoes! And those socks striped up perfectly. Nice stuff all the way around. (The bee bag is perfect for a big project tote! Great score!)

  6. Our dear lil Bear Bear had the same coloring and both blackened white whiskers. We buried his ashes under the tiger lilies here, at Zach's request on Friday.

  7. What a fabulous haul from the garden. You're such good kitty grandparents. It's warming up here too. ((hugs)), Teresa

  8. What a summer-y post, Vera! (And I'm still chuckling over the "bag with your name on it!") Love the kitties! XO

  9. The socks turned out great! The cat sitting is a great service--nice job!

  10. Beautiful socks and I love the contrasting toes :) Those kitties look delightful and I love the idea of a cat tree in a sun room, I wish I had a sun room :)

  11. Those socks turned out well. Always nice to finish the second of the pair. The summer veggies look delicious. They are full of color and sunshine.
