Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Unraveled Wednesday 10-10-18

Good Morning!

How did it get to be October 10th?  Time seems to be going by faster and faster every day.  The sun is finally beginning to poke it's way out a bit.  Driving into work this morning, I heard it was 71 degrees and 98% humidity!  This is the way it has been for days.  So tiresome.  However, supposedly the weekend will bring Fall-like weather (highs in the low-60's, a bit of a breeze, and blue skies).

It is Heart Healthy Month and at work we are having "healthy snacks" on Wednesdays.  I missed last week since I was on vacation, but I'm curious to see what is provided.  Yesterday we had soft pretzels (not so healthy, but very good - lol).  And a group is going to walk at 11:30 today.  I've brought my sneakers, so depending on the weather I may join.  We have a lot of walking trails around our office complex.  We've also been encouraged to walk around our office (inside).  I think 5 laps or so is a half mile.

Also on the work-front, I am happy to report that the LD (Lame Duck) is happily back in Naples, FL (where he winters) and is enjoying retirement (even though he is employed through December 2019...wonder if I will be able to get that kind of package when I decide to retire - Ha!).  The LD replacement is prancing around and he has his first Division meeting next week in Atlanta.  The agenda actually looks good and we will be at Chateau Elan which looks like a nice resort (I've already booked a massage for Tuesday).

Meanwhile, on the knitting front.  I mentioned yesterday that I (finally) finished the Dragonfly (green) socks while on vacation.  Since I was meeting Dee for coffee on Saturday, I HAD to cast on something, so of course I cast on for more socks.  I did 5 rows of ribbing Friday night and was so tired I couldn't see straight.  Picked it up at the coffee shop and knit some and here is where I was before knitting last night:

These are plain vanilla socks (the yarn is so busy I didn't want to do a pattern) and the yarn is by Madeline Tosh in the colorway "Electric Rainbow."  What a fun knit!  I'm making these longer than normal - in the picture above there are 15 rows of ribbing and 75 rows of plain knitting.  Since then I have knit another 25 rows and I started the heel flap this morning over coffee.  I've been weighing the skein and don't believe I'll use half of it to finish this first sock.

Reading is another story.  Nothing seems to be engaging me.  I started My Brilliant Friend but found myself bored by the time I was close to halfway through it.  I started Women in Sunlight the other night, but am not feeling compelled to continue reading it.  I've like Frances Mayes' other books, but this one just isn't grabbing me.  Fletch and I are reading The Wild Muir and are enjoying that - the essays are quick to read (perfect for after dinner reading).

So that's my news.  Joining Kat and friends on this Unraveled Wednesday.  What's new with you?


  1. I hope your healthy snacks are something good. John's workplace has stopped providing even coffee in the break rooms, so I'm always surprised that your work provides snacks and has meetings at such great locations. Chateau Elan looks lovely!

    I am waiting anxiously for this predicted fall weather. Heat and humidity is not the norm for Oct. 10, and I can't wait for 60s and a fall breeze. Great sock!

  2. Gorgeous yarn! The sprinkles of black pull all the other colors together.

  3. I'm waiting anxiously for Fall Weather here in NEO as well. We are stuck in the high 80's with dastardly humidity. I've given up weeding and even trying to go outside. Congrats, Weather, you win!

    Neat yarn on that sock.

  4. Ugh, the weather! It's been rain for days here. I'm hoping today's the end of it for a while... and it'll go from 70 today to a high of 44 tomorrow! Time for WOOL!! ;)

  5. That is such a fun yarn!! I love it when the yarn does all the work.

  6. Looks like we'll be serving up some lovely fall weather for your meeting next week! (and I would love to meet you - Chateau Elan is a 30 minute drive for me ...)

  7. What fun sock yarn! Those will be Happy Socks, for sure. As for the weather? It's been hot but dark and dreary and raining for days (see Vicki's comment, above. . . ), but it does look like a cool-down begins today. Fall is fickle this year! XO

  8. The arrangement of the colors bounce around so prettily against the pops of black-truly a fun knit!

  9. It's hard to come by educated people about this topic, but you sound like you know what you're talking about! Thanks

  10. ack! I have my brilliant friend on my tbr list. lovely sock knitting!
