Monday, February 10, 2025

Weekending 2/10/25

 Good Morning!

Last night sounded like New Year's Eve here with the Eagles winning the Super Bowl.  You all know I am not into sports AT ALL.  Fletch did have the game on, but then we watched All Creatures at 9 after which he flipped back to the game, so I was aware of the win.  But I didn't (and don't) care.  Ha!

I made some Ginger Cream cookies at the end of the week.  These are cookies that my Aunt Ellen used to make all the time.  They taste like gingerbread to me, so I find them delicious.  Fletch doesn't really care for them, but I thought Colin & Mailing would enjoy some (and I was right).

We had a nice time seeing Colin, Mailing and Iris on Saturday.  They made home-made maple-sage sausage and then fixed biscuits, sausage & gravy.  Yum!!  Once again Iris was a bit fussy, but I can't blame her - she pooped 3 times in the first hour we were there!  I'd be fussy too.  LOL

We got home before any of our wintry weather started.  We ended up with sleet and freezing rain.  Since it didn't really warm up yesterday, everything is still coated in ice.  Even the yard is icy!  Mabel was pretty slow coming across the yard yesterday...stepping gingerly and trying not to slide.  Luckily the wintry mix they had been forecasting for tomorrow is now not showing.

A friend emailed me this poem over the weekend:

The Nest

           For Alfredo Espino


This morning

I watched a goldfinch

Disappear into a tree

Through a hole no bigger


Than my open mouth.

From the hollow

The bird

Began her crooning.


That’s what poetry is

I thought – 

Not the tree,

But the hidden song.


Not the yellow bird,

But the instinct to climb

Inside the darkness

To sing.

                          – Benjamin Gucciardi

I found the poem beautiful and thought you all might enjoy it as well.  I had never heard of Benjamin Gucciardi and ended up down a rabbit hole when I googled him.

Wishing you all a beautiful start to the week - enjoy!


  1. Thank you for sharing that poem -- it's a wonderful way to start my week! I hope you get a bit of a warm up so that the ice will melt (though I did get a little chuckle at the idea of Mabel sliding around outside). We ended up with just rain and a surprise thunderstorm from that storm, though more wintry stuff is supposed to come through this week.

  2. I'll be thinking about this poem today, so I thank you for sharing. We hardly got any snow Saturday, which meant that it was all ice when we woke up on Sunday. John got the driveway and sidewalk cleared after spreading salt but it's still pretty sparkly out there this morning. Poor Iris, but lucky you; C&M always have delicious food!

  3. Poor Iris, I agree that I'd be cranky too under those circumstances! I'm glad you had a nice visit and the food sounds delicious as always. The poem is lovely, thank you for that.

  4. Beautiful poem, thank you. I will read it a few more times to fully appreciate it. I love how poems bloom more each time you read them.

    Poor little Iris! Babies are at the mercy of their systems, for sure. Funny how that becomes true the older we get as well!

  5. I've got to beat the snow and head north today so I can babysit our newest Grand who is the same age as Iris until Thursday. That whole diaper thing is freaking me out tbh.

  6. Poor little Iris. I always dreaded the tiny age when they can't tell you what hurts and why. Although I love the tiny age of cuddles! :-) You just can't make me happy. Ha! Dinner sure sounds like it was good though.
    We're supposed to get snow Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. We really haven't had any in almost a year, so there is no room to complain, but I don't want it to snow anyway.
    Blessings and hugs,

  7. Our road is still an ice rink and after a week of the cold and snow, I am feeling out of sorts. But yesterday, I saw some beautiful little golden crowned chickadees - just so lovely and sweet.

  8. The poem is indeed pretty sweet. Glad you made it safely home before the sleet storm hit!

  9. Love the poem! Now, I’m craving ginger snaps dunked in cold milk.

  10. Oh, Iris... you are bringing back those days of early parenting. I breastfed (which I assume Mailing is doing...) and I learned that what I ate could have an adverse impact on the kiddos... broccoli (and all cruciferous veggies) had that exact same result with my kiddos. Oy.

    This poem is perfection! I have copied it down and am about to head down the Gucciardi rabbit hole! Thanks for sharing!

  11. What a beautiful poem, Vera. And just what I needed this morning. My Erin was a colicky baby . . . for the first three months. It got better! XO

  12. What a lovely poem. I will have to learn more about that poet. Those cookies look delicious. I do love the ginger/molasses flavor.

  13. beautiful poem, I love birds :) I am so glad you get to see Iris and be a part of her life often :)
