Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Unraveled Wednesday 12/7/22

Hello and Good Morning,

I'm more than a little sleepy this a.m.  I woke up at 2 a.m. too warm (it's in the 50's here this morning) and had a difficult/impossible time getting back to sleep.  Glad yesterday was my going to the office day and not today!  Today (Pearl Harbor Day) is also the 33rd anniversary of my due date with Colin.  He, of course, held off showing up until the 11th.

It was fun to see that boy again for dinner last night and the newest Mexican place in town turned out to have quite tasty food!  Mailing was busy with holiday celebrations at her office where they actually had live reindeer brought in!  She had texted Colin a picture of said reindeer while he was here.  With all the rain yesterday (lots and lots) and the mild temps, I'm sure those poor reindeer were confused and not happy. 

Let's talk making and reading, shall we?  There has been some knitting progress this past week!  The Turning Leaves sock (#1) has had the heel turned and there has been some movement down the foot a little.

It doesn't look that great on the tablecloth, but oh well!  The cloth is one that my Mom hemmed and used at Christmas for years and years.  Now I use it!

Christmas sock #1 is finished!!  Woo-Hoo!  And, #2 has been started (the cuff ribbing is finished).

Again, not the prettiest on this tablecloth, but that's life!

Reading is good (reading is ALWAYS good!!  lol).  I read Thunder Bay by William Kent Krueger.  I'm enjoying this series by Krueger - the books are quick reads and often a nice palete cleanser after something heavier (e.g., "The Marriage Portrait").  This one was particularly interesting to me because it takes place primarily in the area of Thunder Bay Canada and mentions Sleeping Giant.  Years ago when Fletch and I drove out to Minnesota to pick up our camper, we headed North after getting the camper and planned to hike in the area.  Weather, however, worked against us.  There was dense fog and some rain and before it cleared we had to be on our way.  Maybe some day we can go back!

Now I am about 125 pages into The Colony by Audrey Magee.  I wasn't sure about this book at the beginnning, but now I am into it and enjoying (the Frenchman has arrived).  Fletch and I are still listening to The Cartographers but that is slow going as we do not listen every day.

If you have not already, head on over to Kat's Blog to see what she and others are making and reading.  You'll find a thing or two that is tempting, I'm sure!

To wrap up this post, a sweet picture:


  1. Sweet little Mabel, getting her pets.
    Plenty of sock progress is occurring. I like them both.

  2. we were sleeping twins, I was up at 1:15 too hot as well, ugh. Love the socks and I like the tablecloth!! Hello snuggly Mabel :)

  3. I can sympathize as I have to make several temperature adjustments throughout the night (socks off, socks back on, leg sticking out of the covers, etc.) I hope you get a good night's sleep soon and get time to work on those socks. Both pairs are looking good (along with the tablecloth) and it will soon be time to think about travel knitting.

  4. Excellent sock progress.

    The place where my Dad goes moose hunting every year is eight hours NORTH of Thunder Bay! Yikes. He says they drive two hours down logging roads (which are REALLY rough!) after leaving the main road.

    Mabel looks quite content!

  5. A sweet photo of Fletch and Mabel. Nice progress on the socks.

  6. Oh, waking in the night from overheating is the bane of my sleeping life. I am often up at 2am with no chance of returning to sleep. Always admiring your sock knitting.

  7. Aw, look how sweet Mabel is, as always! I do wonder what she would make of live reindeer!

    There must've been something in the air last night, because I also had trouble sleeping and kept waking up early this morning. I did not expect it to be so warm out; I went out for my run in just a shirt and pants and was actually a little warm -- not what you'd expect for December!

  8. The socks are coming along great! I'm glad you've had the time for more than one visit with son!

  9. Awww....that is a sweet photo! Yay for the sock progress. I love the idea of you using your Mom's tablecloth. It made me think of my own mom's linens and honestly...I can't tell you what happened to them. I have a lot of her stuff but not her linens. I wonder if dad gave them away before I realized they were gone.

  10. Those socks are perfectly Christmas-y! I loved The Colony but it was slow going at first for me, too.

  11. What a sweet photo. You are making good progress on the socks. I love that you use a tablecloth that belonged to your Mom. As the years go by and fewer of us remember the connections, they increase in value and importance.

  12. Sweet Mabel! She is so adorable! And I can't wait to hear your thoughts on The Marriage Portrait!

  13. I got behind on my blog-reading this week, and I'm trying desperately to catch up . . . Mable is such a sweetheart! I just love that last photo, Vera. XO
